
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 12:41:33
甲以6千米/时的速度从A地向B地行驶,40分钟后,乙以8千米/时的速度从A地沿甲所走的路线追甲,在B地追上,求AB两地距离 甲从a以40千米/小时的速度向b行驶,40分钟后,乙从a以50千米/小时的速度按原路追甲,k小时后追上甲,则k为_______小时. 甲从A地出发以6千米每小时的速度向B地行驶,40分钟后,乙从A地以8千米每小时的速度按甲所走的路径追甲,则乙用多少小时可以超过甲10千米要用方程解 甲从A地向B地行驶,40分钟后乙从A地追甲,已知乙的速度比甲快2千米每小时,结果乙2小时后追上了甲, 甲从A地以每小时6千米的速度向B地行驶,40分钟后,乙从A地以每小时8千米的速度追甲,结果在甲离B地还有5千米的地方追上了甲,则A、B两地的距离是多少? 我要办手抄报!有关母亲河的诗句、成语、故事、诗歌! 做关于黄河的手抄报,不要废话 最好包括构图! 一片板报,关于黄河方面的手抄报,急用!如果能够填写图画更好,关于黄河方面的,插图不要太难画 9 OK顺便给我拿来一个样本啊,我要样本样本哦 有关黄河手抄报急唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧叫 关于黄河的手抄报内容 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.1.He speaks not only French _______ also German.2.I was very hungry,______ I ate all the cakes.3.The weather was ______ hot ____ we couldn’t work in the fields any longer.4.You can _____ stay at home _____ 砼回弹检测强度不够,怎么处理? Fill in the blanks with suitable words to finish the dialogueA:When will your summer holiday____?B:Next month.A:____ are you going to do?B:I want to _____ some places.I have many ____ in China.A:Oh,your friends will be very glad to see you again.B:Su 甲乙6KM|小时的速度从A地出发向B地行驶,40分钟后,乙以8KM|时的速度从A地沿甲所走的路线追甲,结果在B地追上.求AB距离 一个瓶子最多能装2kg的水,一个瓶子最多能装2kg的水.求:(1)该瓶子的体积;(2)用该瓶子装食用油,最多能装多少千克.(ρ水=1.0×l03kg/m3,ρ油=0.9×l03kg/m3) 我们要怎么保护地球?提2条有价值的建议 应该如何保护侏儒眼镜猴呢?请提一条建议.(2分) 我爱大自作文 1、对大自然的赞美2、你所了解的大自然3、珍惜大自然、保护自然的倡议与措施4、亲近自然的往别跑题 春夏秋冬跑题的不要 不说的就别往上写 Fill in the bianks with the words in the box.Box :enough laugh feei hurt1.He is very sad.I can't make hin____.2.Why are you cryintg?Are you ____?3.I can't buy that shirt.I don't have____money.4.I want to sleep.I ____ tired.I wrote the answer,Right?1. Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the box.Change the word forms when necessary.safely heavily polite correct tidilyjoy noisy beautifully love die(1)This iron box is too ___________.I can't lift it up.(2)Kate is a very ____________ person.Ever Fill in the blanks with the words in the box in their proper forms.rise,get,bury,warn,konw,be 1.I must( )you not to drive so fast.It's dangerous.2.The teacher said the sun( ) in the east.3.Julia is my best friend.I ( )her for a long time.4.There ( )a Eating ( )is bad for your health.A:too many B:much too C:many too D:too much Watch TV ----- --------is bad for your eyes.选择 A.too much B.too many C.many too D.much too为什么 Too Many Days 歌词 eating___chips is bad for your health.A.too much B.too many C.much too选A项.chips是不可数名词吧 长6cm,宽5cm,高4cm的长方体涂上颜色,再切成棱长为1cm的小正方体.则:三面涂色( )个二面涂色( )个一面涂色( )个没有涂色( )个,想起来太烦,动手约诟又没有小方块! 数学问题: A、B两地相距120千米,一辆骑车以50千米/时的速度从A地出发,另一辆汽车以40千米/时的速度从B地出发,两车相向而行,问经过几个小时,两车相距30千米 1T等于多少KB 一KB等于几MB?那903KB等于几MB 看看我的这道C语题目哪里出错了? 一个G等于多少KB等于多少MB 不大明确到底等于多少啊…… 知道有那写100字左右的黄河传说,还有关于黄河主题班会的开场白和结束语,一个人的