
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:44:28
Solidworks 2010装配图零件数目过多在自动标注零件序号时,如何让零件序号分散于三个视图?还有零件数目过多,怎么样可以使零件序号既标出来又不显得很拥挤? You must be on time for school.的同义句 用论语中的一句名言诠释《两小儿辩日》所蕴含的道理 两小儿辩日的“孩子”可用论语的哪句话来概括 是孩子! 月考有一题目: 两小儿辩日出自?①孟子·告子 ②论语 无其它选项,选择哪个?速度啊!我马上要! 请问she is a very human person这里的human应该怎样理解呢? he love the human is very happy 是什么意思?``````````` water is very essential for human beings保持原句意思Water is very ------- ------- human beings walk round turn round的意思 turn round与turn around区别是什么 so the tow g-----must stay at home go to school on time every day 什么意思?急 turn round和turn around除了英美语的区别外,还有什么用法上的区别? 一首英文摇滚,歌词中反复唱到“turn around and round and roud"节奏很快,找了很久了, come to school __time every day急 英语翻译农村的文化生活无法与大城市相比.country's culture life couldn't compare with big city's国家的独立庆典继续进行着,好像什么也没发生一样...national independence celebration countined to carry on and as if t 高中有要用到那些初中的基础知识?我是一名高二的学生,从初中起数学就一直很差,所以想试试看初中数学补上去,能给我一些初中基础单元吗?现在我在学数学必修二. students must go to school on time 否定句 一般疑问句 否定回答 what改句型 We must go to school on time变成否定句? 孔子是我国哪个时代的什么家? It being Sunday ,the students are at home.为什么用being? the student are 什么on sunday where are you now?接下来用英语怎么回答? 检查的英语单词怎么读 This's a map and that's a ruler.这句话哪里出错了? 孔子的父亲叫叔梁纥,他为什么姓孔? 英文歌歌词翻译Harry Nilsson - The Puppy Song专辑:You got mailDreams are nothing more than wishesAnd a wish's just a dream you wish to come trueIf only I could have a puppyI'd call myself so very luckyJust ot have some companyTo share a cup o 与“巨锋”读音相同的词语 泃阳的"泃"怎么发音?是发"巨"的音吗? That's the building in____the library is.A.which B.what C.where D.that 我要理由啊! Solidworks设计树零件的字变成了蓝色,什么情况,如何调整过来? solidworks 设计树下面零部件后有个括号是什么意思