
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:50:12
巴塞罗那通用西班牙语还是加泰罗尼亚语?即指普通市民日常使用语言 西班牙语翻译“一起去巴塞罗那” 英语翻译As chemotherapy and radiation treatments improve,children with cancer are living longer.The average five-year survival rate for a range of childhood cancers increased from 58 percent to 81 percent between 1975 and 2005,according to statis The teacher said''Tom,come here.''直接引语变间接引语直接引语部分是祈使句吗 巴塞罗那,冠军用西班牙语怎么拼写如题 速求西班牙语高手翻译“想和你一起去巴塞罗那”请使语言协调 《我想买一张明天早上到巴塞罗那的票〉翻译成西班牙语怎么说? 为什么不同答案 哪个对?请选出正确答案 并 计算机问题 请选出第11题正确答案,并给予解释说明. 请选出20题正确答案,并做出解释. 我现在要考catti翻译证书,请问用什么电子词典比较好?请大家推荐下,谢谢!~是英语考试,我需要有录入牛津高阶词典或者一些高级词典的。现在市面上的电子词典太多了,不知道买那种的好 15:In the Chinese household,grandparents and other relatives play _____ roles in raising children. 仿写:清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?仿照上面的句子 写;晶莹的露珠!—————————————————芬芳的花朵!————————————————— 仿写句子:清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?蔚蓝的大海!———————,是要我领略你的宽阔与博大的胸怀吗? 清凉的山泉,你捧出一面镜子,是要我重新书妆吗?是什么修辞手法? She was different from the teacher before her….The children at school had a new teacher.She (was different from the teacher before her) but this wasn’t a problem for the children.The children soon get used to her teacher.请问这里的She was di If you're tried,you should lie down and rest和you should lie down and rest if you are tired区别 古往今来,我国涌现了许多著名的书法家,如( )、( )、( )等. 西班牙语在美洲是如何传播的?西班牙语在美洲的传播历程是怎么样的?从哪个国家到哪个国家? Though a girl she is,she's rude.尽管她是一个女孩,但是她是粗鲁的,这句话、 catti二笔证能进翻译公司吗 英语翻译hat好像是hat是不是作者弄错了?很不通顺 I remember the boy___name is Jack中间填who还是whose the boy's name is JACK 改为同义句JACK is ( ) ( ) ( )the boy Jack is the ____(three)boy which of the following s___means "no smoking"?用S开头的哪个单词最合适呀? Which of the following s____ means "NO SMOKING"?谁若知道就告诉我 Which of the following is NOT a tiaffic sign 你好,清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?(仿写句子)你好,可爱的云雀!________________还有,你好,水中的鱼儿!_______________________ This is a boy.H()name is Bruce. 英语翻译楼道音视频门铃系统主要主要有4个部分组成,分别是公用电源,对讲系统,视频头,声光控灯.其中公用电源功能是为系统供电,对讲系统功能是实现访客和户主之间的通话,视频头的功能 英语翻译Lori and Reba are joined together at the side of their heads,facing in opposite directions.Their blood supply is partly linked,but each has a separated brain.Reba suffers from a disease which has left her completely dependent on her siste