
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 23:41:38
把下列各句改为复数形式1.That red car is my sister's.____red____ ____ ____siter's.2.Who is that woman?Who____ ____ ____?3.This is a pencil-box.____ ____ ____.4.He is an English child.____ ____ ____ ____.5.There is a bus on the stop.There___ I brush my________(tooth)every morning and night. Jessis_______(brush) his ______(tooth) in the morning Jack's father goes to see Beijing Opera on saturdaye对on saturdaye提问 Bill usually______his face and brush his teeth at fast to seven in the morning. so it is with用的时候,表示相同的情况是有一者为否定一者为肯定还是两者都为肯定还是两者都为否定还是不作规定呢? These old people ofen____Beijing Opera on weekends.(see) what about this yellow one.同义句 ()()()this yellow one Only when you have obtained sufficient data ___come to a sound couclusiona.you will b.you can c.would you d .can you 请选择 说色彩鲜艳的词有哪些 形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多的词大神们帮帮忙 1.he told her that he worked for the corporation and no more和2.he told her that he worked for the corporation simply那句话正确?为什么? he told her that he worked for the corporation___.a)simply b)and no more c)only 为什么选b?那only呢? she worked as a dustman for the ellesmere corporation 各做什么成分? We are going to (see a film ) tonight (A girl) is looking for you We are going see a film tonight同义句 We are going to see a n_____ movie.还有一个:I like s____ movie very much. c,e,i,r组成的单词用c,e,i,r可以组成什么单词, 我做了一个天问望远镜,观看时,发现图像太小,和没看之前一样大,但却清楚很多伽利略式的,目镜是不知度数的老花镜(周围大约厚1毫米),目镜是从猫眼上拆下来的凹透镜(在类似圆柱的上面凹下 一个天问望远镜多少钱啊 天问望远镜.那个镜片重要 北京哪有卖天问望远镜的?要地址我要买个天文望远镜 听说北京多还便宜 希望北京的朋友 知道的话给介绍一下 最好是什么商场 比较有信誉的 本人对北京不熟 希望有个地址 折射天问望远镜目镜.可以当做反射天问望远镜的目镜吗 物理教师教学有那几种方式? 课堂导入有几种方式? 大学老师的授课方式有几种? 在课堂教学中,教师采用直观教学主要有哪几种形式 滥竽充数 文言文重点字翻译 【化学】2.8克铁跟适量的浓硝酸反应 铁全部作用后2.8克铁跟适量的浓硝酸反应 铁全部作用后 共收集到气体2.24L 则反映消耗的hno3的物质的量最可能是 A 0.15mol B 0.16mol C 0.2mol D 0.24mol 关于孔子墓.请问孔子的墓在何方?发生过什么事情? 孔子墓(地理名 如果一个号码停机了 手机关机 打电话提示音是什么会说您拨打的用户已关机还是停机?打过的说一下