
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:18:51
The meeting was put off because we ____a meeting without John.A.objected having B.were objected to havingC.objected to have D.objected to having 《浣溪沙 苏轼》上阙写景与下阙抒怀有什么关系 He used to do()his parents told him to since he belived in them.A no matter whatB no matter howC thatD whatever请问考神马 选神马 为神马 父母的爱让他很有信心.His parents' love helped him to _____ _____ _______ _______. 《背影》的写作背景 为什么live(住)在第三人称单数做主语时要加S呢?许多单词在第三人称单数做主语时都要加S,为什么呢? 为什么he likes watchig TV in the evening.watch后要叫ING you,eat,do,what,dinner,for怎样连接成句 threatened men live long怎么翻译 my anut is a nurse对nurse改为疑问句 What do you_____(usual)eat for dinner 过渡元素都是金属吗 过度元素都是金属吗? Click Clack谢谢了,歌手Slim Thug 也就是死亡飞车里的插曲 给个MP3 下载连接 要可以下载的 关于过原点的直线对称点怎么求?为什么?跟原点对称有什么不一样? 关于原点对称直线是在一条线上吗 关于直线y=x对称与关于原点对称一样吗 与直线Y=X-4关于原点对称的直线的方程为? ____is expected,according to the survey ,that housing price can not go up any more.A as.B which.Cwhat.D it.为什么选D? according to the survry 还是accord to the survey according to the survey,it is almost ___that the goverment will lose the next election.1.sure2.certain3.exact4.doubtful为什么,详解 选择 .I live ___ A in 52 Main Road B at 52选择.I live ___ A in 52 Main Road B at 52 Main Road C in 52 main road D at 52 main road. 光每小时传播几千米? I live ___No.36,Hope Road,Beijing.A at B on C in 选A 请问哈理由 could you tell me why the____sun looks bigger than the____sun?a.rising;raised b.raised;raising c.rising;risen d.risen;rising That is —you can see,the sun is much bigger than the moon.A.up upC.for toD.thought about The __________was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.A.examination B.inspection C.survey D.analysis 请批给我的英语作文 Recently a survey has been conducted请批给我的英语作文Recently a survey has been conducted on how much housework share at home.As we can see in the chart,majorities of the students sometimes do housework for ther 天天向上背景音乐 有一首是有一段哼的 什么wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu 好像有句歌词是什么baby 什么like通常是嘉宾出场,走秀的时候放的 比较嗨的一首. 老师,JIM,have u ever heard of the latest water hearter?yes,but i haven't decided whether to buy___A:itB:one选哪一个?为什么不选剩下的.恩,选it专属性太强,我的初衷和一楼一样,谢谢诶几位. whom we love most to ,them we can say least 我这里有两句话:1、My uncle is a teacher in a middle scho我这里有两句话:1、My uncle is a teacher in a middle school in Ji'nan.2、she's an English teacher at a middle school.我有几个问题:1、第一句话中为什么要用in