
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 10:18:19
为什么The American Revolution(美国独立战争)被称为the conflict between son and father? 问一道六年级的方程应用题~两车分别从两地相对开出,甲车每小时行80千米 乙车 每小时行70 千米 经过三小时 两车还相距全程的10% 两地相距多少千米?也可以用算数方法 什么是第1.2.三人称单数 1.2是双数还是单数 任何奇数加1后,一定是2的倍数.判断. I found a bag filled with several books(改为同义句) 连词成句 the,filled,with,bag,presents,is 进行社会调查可以采用哪些调查方法 社会调查选什么样的话题比较好写?写社会调查报告,大概要写2000多个字,实在写不出来,请大家帮帮想想什么话题比较好写,指点一下大致上从哪几个方面着手,尽量能够详细一点, I hope ____ with pandas in the zoo one day.(play) What language do ____ speak?(England)The children have fun ____ with the animals.(play)You can see him when you look t___ the window.I enjoy r___ after I finish my homework every day. Why does prime minister have the biggest power in England? 8月1号的日全食在广东的阳江市可以看到麽?偏食?哪里可以看?除了新疆啊~要准备什么来看啊? ·有时·····有时·····造句 用…有时…有时…造句 现在暑假就快过去了我妹妹还有二年级日记24篇没有写,要求200字以上内容不用太夸张,回答得好本人一定会给奖赏的! 200字左右 against The manufacturer will be responsible for maintaining the image of its brands.It will retain the right to market products directly at certain promotional events held in the contractual territory against payment to the certified dealer of a fix 祖国是什么 造句 排列with they books old the bag filled many cos²a-sinacosa+tana/cos²a+sinacosa-tana=1+tan三次方a/(1-tan三次方a) 自变量既有定序又有定类变量,因变量为连续性变量,能否用多元线性回归分析? 英语翻译Our terms of payment is minimum DA 90 days at sight.Due to 45 days taken by shipping lines from China to our warehouse 这是啥意思 椭圆的焦距为6,且经过点P(4,12/5),求焦点在x轴上椭圆的标准方程 化简根号1-sin²(-40°)和根号1-2sinα10°cos10°/sin10°-根号1-sin²10° Payment against receipt of the cargo on our forwarder这该如何理解呢,做外贸的 用“不是,而是”造句 用“虽,可是,而且”造句 delivery documents against payment翻译其中against是什么意思? one of the boxes are/ is there.请问使用is还是are啊?到底是跟着one 用单数,还是跟着 boxes 用复数? 1.There was()in the roomA a boxbanana B a box of bananas Csome boxes of bananas D a box bananas2.I have()Athree box of pen Bthree boxes pens C threeboxes of pen Dthree box pens 谁能告诉我科学计算器里面的功能,如DRG、FSE、RCL、STO等等,应该怎么用的. 计算器中STO什么意思 计算器上的 RCL 和 STO