
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 07:58:46
VF编程习题~设圆半径r=1.5,圆柱高h=3,求圆周长、圆面积、圆球体积及圆柱体积.要求分行输出,并保留两位小数 f(x)=x^3-1/2ax^2+3x+5(a>0且a≠6),求f(x)的单调区间 我相信我能做到一切我能想到的事.用英语怎么说? 急 一半用英语怎么说?急 告诉你事实吧.用英语怎么说? 求一篇100字以上的英语作文,题目是“The Benefits of Sports and Games”! 设f'(x)∫(0,2)f(x)dx=50,且f(0)=0,f(x)≥0,求∫(0,2)f(x)dx及f(x) 设f(x)=1,-1 he always does something (wise ) When a teacher_____question and does not……When a teacher_____question and does not name a particular student to_____it,who knows the answer,he or she should put up the hand to answer ita.asks b.ask c.tells d.tella.ask b.answer c.stop d.start he(3单) always+do还是does 最好在给点特殊情况,比如sth make +原型的这种还是原型的 初一上学期寒假作业,历史题从早期人类~~~~~~~~~~~南北朝(详细) 中搜的垂直搜索有什么不同? 描写河流的词语,记住是河流,不要波涛汹涌之类的 这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.他将永远燃着,正像一个母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽了.仿句 《蜡烛》这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.它将永远燃着,正像一个母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽的深层含义 仿写:这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.他将永远燃着,正想一个,母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽仿写句子:1.这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.他将永远燃着,正想一个,母亲的眼泪,正像一个 仿句 这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.它将永远燃着,正像一个母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽 中搜的垂直搜索有何不同? 对对子,作诗“川山山川穿山川”求一下联我对上了“流河河流留河流”回答“529455113 的”“川山山川穿山川”求一下联 求 H300*150*6*6 H300*120*6*6 H200*120*6*6 麻烦写下计算公式 谢谢 一元二次方程一个直角三角形的直角边的和为14cm,斜边长10cm,求两直角边的长,若设其中一条直角边长为xcm,则另一条直角边长 14-x cm 依题意列方程为:将方程整理为一般形式为?其中二次项系数 clean environment canhelp the city bid tfor the asian games,whichin turn/in return will promote itseconomic developement.选什么 A clean enviroment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which_____ will promote its economic development.A.in turn B.in return C.in fact D.in nature为什么D自然地,C事实上,不行? Don't make any noise in the classroom 哪错不好意思,是Don't make Many noise in the classroom 哪错 英语翻译One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease.The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of gettin One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease.The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart dise 初三一元二次方程 SELECT * FROM T_DUTY WHERE dutyDate Between #2010-09-08# And #2010-09-09#java.sql.SQLException:No data foundat sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:7138)at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLGetDataString(JdbcOdbc.java:3907)at sun.jdbc.odbc.Jdbc sql="select * from "&data&" where id="&myid&"" 在数据库中没有data 这个表,这里的"&data&" 和sql="select * from "&data&" where id="&myid&""在数据库中没有data 这个表,这里的"&data&" 和"&myid&"代表的是什么? String sql=" delete from rizhi where data="+data;为什么总是报错,data为varchar型.错误提示:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' at line 1 计算或解方程1 (x+1)(x-1)=2√2x 2 (4√2/3-10√0.2)-(2√2/3-√80)3 (√18-√27)/√6+(1/√2-1)^24 (x-3)^2-16x^22根号2 X 根号三分之二