
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 03:03:42
in the neighborhood的同义短语 I watched a ( ) film yeaterday evening.that was( ) A funny,fun B fun,fun C fun,funny D funny,fun I wanted a/an ____film last Friday evening. A.fun B.funny C.excited D.very 谁英年早逝 Last Christmas Day ,I watched a ________(fun) film.That was ___________(fun) 英年早逝 的英语怎么说?如题. I watched a cartoon yesterday.用It was fun.还是It was funny. 英年早逝的科学家们请问有那些科学家是英年早逝的呢?中国的,外国的近代的,现代的,男的,女的,不过最好是自然科学家,搞理工科的那些,而不是经济学政治学家之类的 唯一渴望,英年早逝.这句话,英语怎么翻译? 有哪些英年早逝的歌手除了张国荣,梅艳芳,黄家驹阿桑就不要说了哈,大家都知道了 Let her____(wash) her clothes My mother (wash)the clothes now Dad, my clothes are all dirty. Let's go to get them______. A to wash B wash C washing D washed " 这段文字" 英语怎么说?“这段文字是”英语怎么说?2,“这段文字是” 如果 有谓语动词的话 是用单数,还是复数?意思到就OK,“下面的这段日文” following.....把这个也表达也用英语写出啦 “that sound like fun" 为什么是病句这个句子别人说少了什么东西,什么啊 sound like fun 和 sound great为什么一个有like一个没有?说清为什么 sound like fun中的like 帮忙填一填 that _____funny. A.sounds B.sounds like C.sound D.sound like 中英文词互译1.打算________ 2.努力做……__________3.容易做……_________4.walk around_________5.lots of_________ 6.be proud of_________7.pick up_________ 8.begin to do ________ 英汉组词互译1.植树 ________ 2.by subway ________3.坐飞机 ________ 4.science museum ________5.电视记者 ________ 6.work hard ________7.一周一次 ________ 8.water drop ________ “中英颜色词的文化内涵”怎么翻译呀 I don't think it advisable that Jack_____the job since he little experience.I don't think it advisable that Jack_____the job since he little experienceA.has been given B.will given C.is given Dbe given答案是D为什莫不是C C D有什么区别吗 英语翻译 英语的十六个时态,能不能每个造个句子…让我更加理解这十六个时态…如题 关于动物的单词 The sheep( )one after another since last week.(has disappeared / have disappeared / are disappearing / are disappeared)这题应该选什么,说出正确答案的理由和其他三个选项为什么不选的理由, movie复数形式别的不够好 film的复数形式是什么?作为胶卷来解释的,是周末练习的题目,题目是:film(复数)( )三楼的,复数应该是a rolls of films,老师说的。 shopping的复数形式 找一首歌,就记住一句歌词 “你是我的小星星”,不是An佳,钟洁zj 的《星》 Next to the English than in "岑"这个字拼音怎么写