
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:13:30
床底下是谁的足球?翻译 蛋挞的英文怎么说? 单独制作蛋挞的蛋挞水喜欢吃蛋挞水,不喜欢吃蛋挞皮,所以想做蛋挞水来吃.我家只有微波炉和煤气炉,可以直接制作一大碗蛋挞水舀着吃,一定很好吃,哪些达人帮帮忙吧(^-^) 盘子里满盛着水果和蔬菜 英文翻译 乌龟用英语怎么说 “乌龟”用英语怎么说? I don't like ________(take)the bus to school because sometimes it,s too crowdedIt_____(take)her 40minutes to shop in the supermarket yesterday although i don’t like taking a bus,i take to school and try not to fuss.改写成because的句子 I like ___a bus to school;(take)怎么填写 She doesn't like to take the bus to go to school.这句话对吗? some boys take the bus to school.some girls don't take the bus to school(合并成一句)____ _____ students take the bus to school Tom is never late for school,____?A.isn't heB.is heC.does TomD.is Tom Tom is _____ late for school 汤姆经常起晚,这就是他上班经常迟到的原因 的英文翻译 Tom ofen( ) ( )late ( )()() he is often latefor work will the Palace the we take all the Museum way to bus.连词成句. 蛋挞皮已经买了蛋挞皮我已经买了,然后怎么弄? 如何正确认识中华文化的作用 又麻烦你了^^ Rather than__the bus,he ran all the way home.A,take B,to take C,taken D,took为什么选择A呢?B和D为什么不对? 请问怎么做蛋挞...家里已经有了蛋挞皮 所以 The best way to there is to take the bus 改为同义句改为----a bus is the best way---- ---- there 蛋挞水和蛋挞皮的配方葡式蛋挞的配方 还有日式蛋挞的配方 现在我们在英国度假.用英语翻译 中华文化的影响和作用是怎样的 what bus do we take to get to the museum这句话该怎么理解?what后面加名词是表示疑问吗?这句话的谓语是take to,还是get,get或to get是做什么的? we will take a bus to the museum tomorrow改为一般疑问句()you()a bus to the museum tomorrow? in the museum,we can't take We can go by the NO.22 bus to the museum.这个句子对吗? 孔子学院在全球广泛开设的意义?答案要简明一点 结合 公共关系学 谈谈对中国 孔子学院 在世界各地建立的认识. 目前,全球已建成的孔子学院或开设的孔子课堂有五百多处,旨在推广汉语教学,传播中华文化.孔子学院之所以以孔子命名,是因为孔子:①是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家②是儒家学派创始 英语翻译1.But I have not had fried fish!What shouid I pay foy?2.Well,let's go outside togethor.The price of the small of a place of fried fish is the shadow of twenty-five cents.3.But everyone can see that you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish w 大家对中国在世界各地设立孔子学院有什么看法?