
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:00:15
儿童自行车14寸指的是什么尺寸?三岁半的孩子该用什么尺寸车子?好像是车轮的直径?单位是英寸吗?是指车轮内钢圈直径?还是指车轮外缘直径?如果是内钢圈直径,14英寸大概是35.6公分,这样的尺 12寸和14寸的小轮自行车哪个好 What does your father have for lunch at home.的中文 自行车28寸的意思 首字母填空 would you like to tell us what your dream home is (l ) What's your dream?的英语作文60字左右,适合初中生的. 哪里有新概念英语第一册的课件啊? jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks thatif she were to get a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.求详解 why is she speaking to him Because she doesn't want them to miss it.请帮我翻译成中文 请问春秋时期的各个诸侯国跟周王朝是什么关系啊?怎么有齐国、楚国等、那周王朝算什么啊?分没有了, 春秋时期的齐国和楚国是现在的中国吗 齐国和楚国的关系后来成功没有` He doesn't like the film.She doesn't like the film either.两句合并为一句 Li Hong doesn't like thrithers.She doesn't like s___movie She likes music,but she doesn’t like music of this film.A.the,the B./,/ C.the,/ D./,the Tom doesn't like the film___ 1.himself 2.itself 请分析反身代词在句中的作用 Tom doesn't like the film ______ ,but his parents like____.A himself;it B itself;themselvesC itself;it D himself;themselves 春秋时期同晋国争霸中原的诸侯国是( )A.齐国 B,吴国 C楚国 D秦国对齐恒公的“尊王攘夷”口号的正确理解是 A抵御少数民族入侵以维护国王的尊严B以“尊王”为旗号发展齐国势力C听从 Cindy doesn't come to parties and sister doesn't e____. when you are going to tell the bad news to Cindy?_she come back有选项A .UnlessB.As soon asCSinceDIf请详细说明为何不用If she doesn't come to the party today,she_busy.A.maybeshe doesn't come to the party today,she_busy.A.maybe B.may be C.must D.may don't sit too close to a computer because _light can harm your eyes.a.too many b.much too c.too much d. so many He doesn't think she will come 反义疑问句是does he 还是doesn't he 春秋末期,大国都是齐国和楚国.(修改病句) 新概念英语2册背诵问题?请问各位背诵新概念2册真的那么有用处么?我计划一天背诵一篇,但背到6课之后就感觉没有动力去背了,坚持不下来背诵了.请问如何才能让按照原先的计划进行,我怎么 大力士用英语怎么说 rock 历史上齐国,楚国,秦国,韩国,赵国,燕国,魏国哪个国出的人才最多?哪个国出得军事人才最多? at+work+or+in+your+什么+home 齐国、楚国、燕国、韩国、赵国、魏国、秦国的英雄 at work or in your o____ home. 战国时期由晋国分裂而来的国家是:1.燕国2.赵国3.楚国4.魏国5.韩国A.12B.245C.34D.345 Does your mother work in her office or at home?选择疑问句快啊