
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 17:07:28
求大神翻译:The world said to have about 3000 times as much underground water as water it has in rivers and lakes,and ground water is fair clean. 简单的汉译英!大家来帮个忙吧!你是谁?我是2班的班长.你叫什么名字?我叫李平.你多大年纪?我12岁.你是哪里人?我是重庆人.一定要正确!不要复制别人的! 我来自法国,我是法国人.你来自英国,你是英国人.他来自意大利,他是意大利人.她来自加拿大,她是加拿大人.我们来自中国,我们是中国人. 提手旁加个弁读什么? DO YOU LIKE SHOW “弁跫遥”怎么读?什么意思? because you are the only one loved by me 这是什么意思呀,. 帮我翻译下.谢谢. HOw do you like the pictures which __ on show A is them B are them C is it D are it ife is like a show什么意思 沁霖是什么意思 the more...the happily...的意思及用法 与苏轼的西江月有关的问题前人在评价苏轼的西江月的抒情时说,“忽见”二字也是表现词人心情的关键,你是否同意“关键”之说?为什么?请结合全词简要赏析 we won`t have classes tomorrow A.I think I knowB.I hope soC.You are telling a lieD.Really?That`s news to me答案是什么,以及解析,我说的是要解析,只有一个答案的麻烦就不用回复了,如果答案是D的话,ABC为什么不 The more expectation,the more disappointment什么意思?急用啊 less expectation,less disappointment no expectation,no disappointment什么意思 who give me money 大英博物馆的英文是什么? In my eyes,you are nothing. but in my eye you are nothing 必须准确啊 all the Your gife would be appreciated all the more if you make it yourself instead of buying it. all the more impressive China has achieved extraordinary growth for nearly three decades all the more impressive given the scale and magnitude of the Chinese economy. I am all the more surprised是什么意思? all the more for that什么意思 关于“大英博物馆”英文简介 内容涉及从中国掠走的宝物的消息 伦敦眼和大英博物馆分别在哪里;他们的英语 我上周和妈妈去了大英博物馆英语咋说? more or less,kind of,pretty三者的区别是什么?在意思上,用法上有何不同? We wer_____much lost when we met the ranger(护林员)in the forest.A kind of B more or less ...We wer_____much lost when we met the ranger(护林员)in the forest.A kind ofB more or lessC prettyD none 吝啬怎么用褒义造句 一个池塘的浮萍以每天增加一倍的速度来铺满池塘,10天铺满,几天铺一半? 有些文物能够回到它的家乡,有些只能在异乡漂泊,但英国大英博物馆和法国卢浮宫也同样为保护这些文物做出了一定的贡献,可以让世人瞻仰人类的文明,你对此事有什么看法