
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:57:23
Victory belongs to the most Persevering! Victory always belongs to the most perseverance! The victory belongs to me! please help sandy____(compete) the exercises at once,she needs you help 上网利大于弊辩论会主持人演讲稿 什么是什么的句式是主谓结构还是主谓宾?比如最惹眼的是屹立在庄外临河的空地上的一座戏台.这话后面那些算是宾语么 fun和interesting区别请不要复制别处的答案老师曾经说过如果你是身临其境觉得有趣就是interesting如果是属于客观的 没有身临其境的 就是FUN 请问是这么个用法么 还是我记反了 My father bought me a very good bike.的句式是主谓宾补还是主谓双宾? 关于写作的笔名我还是一个高中生,但是很喜欢小小说.家里买了很多书了.于是就自己尝试写,写了几篇还感觉不错呢,所以想投稿试试.但是我又不想用真名,就想找个笔名.初如文学界也不知道 With the help of computers,news can ____every corner of the world.A.get B.return C.arrive D.reach 谁给我讲一下这个英语完成句子的语法 fun的用法和相应词组!初二的!还有和funny......的区别. fun 用法 辩论赛学分制弊大于利4辩发言稿 running after the mouse这个词组对吗?注意是词组! running 原句是One is running after the other. ok和okay的区别 ok,okey,okay有什么区别 ok和okay有什么区别啊? OK与OKAY的区别 请问“OK”与“Okay"有什么区别? 网络爱情可信吗?希望大家能够认真的回答这个问题 也许哪天你真的就网恋了 也可以借鉴一下 网络爱情可靠么,网恋真的有现实么? interesting 和 fun 帮忙分下这句子的主谓和句型if the drives in the country you are visiting drive on the opposite side if the road from your own country.It may be a good idea to practise driving in a quiet area before attempting to drive in heavy traffic 我想要短片童话故事五篇{英汉两译}谢了 wanna的用法和want有什么区别?例句,什么的都要 另外gonna类似么? 连词成句 Rosa,gentle,music,that,is,like,doesn‘t l like music that后加is还是are. Do you like music?Music is something that everybody e(),everybody can make sound in a way,by singing or p() a music instrument.Many k() of music have developed as people have found out how to sing in different w() there are so many kinds music for h( 想练习英语口语,背诵什么材料好哪 如何模仿发音练习英语口语现在背着《新概念》,想练口语的,可是如果跟着录音来模仿,不仅模仿的不好而且也需花很多时间,这样我背的速度也减慢了很多,听录音很容易忘记他是怎么说的,是