
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 02:47:26
It's a good idea to get up early tomorrow.(改为同义句) ___ ___ ___ ___ is a good idea. 平行四边形中一边长为10CM那么它的两条对角线的长度可以是(选项)A.4CM 6CMB.6CM 8CM C.8CM 12CMD.20CM 30CM首先理由要充分...得这两个数的原因...不能只说一个...Bear C.M 有人学过新东方英语四级么 效果怎么样 新东方英语四级教程下载哪里有 很快就要考四级了,有没有比较好的复习方案啊! 急求四级四级复习方案我上次4级没过,只考了334分,主要是单词基础不好,今年6月准备再考,只有3个月了,怎么复习啊 The gift is very _____ _____ (太个性化了),I think. 笨鸟先飞是什么意思 “笨鸟先飞”什么意思 笨鸟先飞的意思是什么 笨鸟先飞什么意思? Is it ________for the little boy to answer this different question?I think so .He's clever!请问是填project好,还是perfect好呢? This maths problem is too hard.I think___people can work it out.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little I think this report is badly done ,and that goes for the other work done in the 定义给出:给定一命题公式,若无论对分量作怎样的指派,其对应的真值永为T,则称该命题公式为永真式又有一个定义说:当且仅当P单箭头Q是一个永真式时,我们称P蕴含Q,那么,根据第一个定义, 这个套套逻辑是什么玩意? 我的名字叫 吴柏超 用个什么英文名好呢?3Q帮我取个好的, (无) can i help you 同义句 how much is the bag 同义句can i help you 同义句()()i()()you?()()()you?()()()()i can do()you?how much is the bag 同义句()()()the bag ()()the()of the bag ()()is the bag() how much is the apple?and can i help you?的同义句! 有关Can I help you?和How much is it?的笑话或故事 the policeman is looking for a man with one eye什么歧义 The Man With The Bag 歌词 There have got some toys.对some toys提问 用笨鸟先飞造句 循序渐进 日积月累 温故知新 勤能补拙 笨鸟先飞 造句 每句20字以内 笨鸟先飞的造句 I like geting up very early in summer.The moring air is so good breathing句尾的 breathing 能不能换成 to breath Lily and Lucy have video tape.It's very nice.改错题 I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good to breathe.请问为什么不用被动? I like getting up early in the morning .The air is so good ___(breathe) (翊)这个字的拼音是什么?