
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 22:56:39
1、这就是那天的计划 this is __ _ __ the day2、in the final of take place go back to (1) my brother ______ the the bus nd found a seat near the window .(2)our football team is very good and now it is __ the football competition .(3)a traffic 单词occasion、situation、condition、state有什么区别? 成长的烦恼中this is the day是谁唱的是什么专辑 为什么这里要个be动词?,she is finally recovered from drugs now.After struggling with her drug addiction for many years ,she is finally recovered from drugs now.为什么recovered前要一个is recover不是实义动词吗?也不需要用被 not on any serious study isthat most drugs belong to him翻译, Smith kept hi business from getting smaller ,_____he was not able to expand it in hte financial crisis.A.although B.since C.while D.whether 想一句回答她的话!The ending is the begining of a newThe ending is the begining of a new 想一句英文回答这句话!要好的~表赞成表爱慕最好和这个押韵的比较好~ 形容“满足人的虚荣心”的成语或俗语 篪怎么念? 我的家属英文怎么拼英文啊 walk of person many became sorry,That'll m___ spending more money.打错了 the injured soldier called out in pain. in是什么意思 Shall we stand more money on space or education 英语作文150zi 请问 I understand it now 同义句是什么 noting to lose这首歌的歌词及翻译!thanks哭了,,咋就没人回答.是的.我没分了.是已负分.哭死.赶紧地```大家作回善人啦 Charles James Fox,the_note___statesman,is a_notorious__gambler.求翻译 学外语的朋友们进,我最近练习写作.是用所学语言每天写一句话天天坚持写好呢?还是每周写一篇好呢? from paradise lost to paradise regained是什么意思 学外语能进航空公司?什么语种容易进?具体会担当什么职务?工资大概是多少? 一般将来时的被动句式中WILL BE和SHALL BE有何区别 HARRY POTER 正版书有什么特点比如像简装与精装的差别,正版和盗版的细节不同我在网上买了一精装的原版哈6,卖家说只卖正版书,但书有的页面字是倾斜的,我也不知道是不是正版,虽然以前在外 if you could then send the revised letter for Harry to Jennifer as she is going to submit it today需要我把修改的邮件寄给Jennifer? 蚊子为什么喜欢盯人? 擢怎么读 蚊子是依靠气味盯人么如题~很多人都说蚊子盯人是依靠气味.记得以前老师也是这么说的.那么是什么气体.二氧化碳还是.氮气.或者体味什么的其他气体?如果不是依靠气味.那是用的什么方法. 家里门窗紧闭,每晚房间里还是蚊子多多盯人.蚊子从那进来的? 擢总兵的擢字怎么读拜托了各位 谢谢 为什么现在的蚊子这么玩命盯人呢? He is a _____(use) person to have around. 好想有个家怎么办 我很喜欢听BBC,但是那里头生单词太多了,经常让我感到茫然,谁能告诉我BBC中的高频单词有那些?VOA的高频单词也可以.相关的回答都可一接受,不太相关但是对英语听力帮助大的,我都可以接受.