
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 10:08:43
I am a Chinese girl.为什么不用:I am an Chinese girl. 读读下列成语,选择其中一个写一句话.原封不动 自我安慰 情不自禁 马革裹尸 I would be as cool as a cucumber.这句话的意思是什么? I wish someone would i___a car that could fiy.That would be so cool! 英语翻译我等你 请你知道我爱你 英语翻译中文是:您好,我非常喜欢您的文章和这部美剧,请问能否将它翻译成中文发到博客上去,我会注明作者和文章来源的, 帮忙写一篇I am a happy gril 明早要要 80词左右 I am happy 英语作文给个大概的思路.要求:生活中,你一定经历过许多快乐,回忆一下哪些人或事曾给你带来快乐.请以I am happy为题,写一篇小短文来描述一下,让我们一起来分享快乐吧 I am a girl who _____(be) happy. 有例句什么的等等 要是让我很满意 我把所有的分都送你 What about ___ 1.go out for a walk 2.going out for a walk3.to go out to walk4.to go out for a walk what about _ (她) what about 后面跟什么 我孩子对英语一点兴趣也没有,有什么办法让对英语产生兴趣啊? make的过去式还是make麽?请帮个忙 she wanted to be on the side of the____(win)to support them 323.Please match the sentences____the correct pictures.A,as B.with C.to D.from 有没有字幕同时包括英文和中文的美国电影.我想练习听力和口语. 求美国中英文字幕青春类电影多多益善,希望回答者能将那个电影的网址附上.我想在网上看..要的不是某个电影网址,这我也知道很多,要的必须有中英文字幕的那种.为什么都是给的这样的答案 推荐几部有中英文字幕的搞笑的美国电影?要听的清楚一点的那种 连词组句:wants,thousand,she,him,practice,to,saying Match each picture with the right student.是什么意思? ):Complete the sentences with a word from each box.Ⅰ amounted glued idea launched linked turned value wayⅡ down from of of on to to to(Ⅰ和Ⅱ各选一个词填入每个句子)⑴During the first moon landing in 1969,million of people were 冯·诺依曼关于计算机工作原理的理论体系,其基本特点是____.A 存储数据并在人工干预下自动工作B 计算机内部有数字和模拟两种信号C 计算机必须由硬件和软件系统组成D 存储程序并在程序的 You can’t always control what happens to you in a game or in life,but you can control how you respond—you should never quit. what patrs of your life you can control英语短文不要太长的 Can you imagine using your feet to control a mouse?Actually,when you use your c…… 有关的短文填空 read的过去时和过去分词的发音都是read但是发音一样么 read的过去分词是什么 Complete this dialogue with the correct tag questions. 什么意思? "make questions with the correct auxiliary verb"的意思? her home is near school .she often __ to school