
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:45:09
Can you have a people can really understand me?中文是? You are not along的歌词 does Tom have in the morning?Math and Chinese.A.What classB.What subject 高手帮忙看看这样写行不行:Please come to join us with the annual dinner of our company...是一则通知公司同事吃年饭的函:Dear all,Please come to join us with the annual dinner of our company in the evening of February 3rd.It's i Yes,I did not understand.But,do some who understand you compared to me?把这句话翻译成中文 Our life will be a lot ___ in the future than it is now!A.better B.good C.well D.best Her Chinese teacher is(take the place of)her sick English teacher.这句子这么填是否正确 What did the school master want __________ to the noisy children?本题为什么填done而不是to do .What did the school master want __________ to the noisy children?Adone Bto do 选哪一个呢为什么? What do you want to do in the school t____ show what do you want to do after you ____(graduate) from school 请讲解一下Pick up 当pick up 解释为拾起的时候,是pick up sth还是pick sth up?有时候看到pick it up,有时候看到pick up the pen 这样的句子,到底是怎么样呢? "pick up"的11种解释和例句 He () to New York two weeks ago,and he()there three timesA.has gone,has beenB.went,has beenC.went,wasD.was going,went Mary has been to New York since three weeks ago错在哪 I'd suggest we meet this afternoon,or _____ it is convenient for you.A.whichever B.however c.wherever d.whenever答案为什么选A啊.不是应该选C 表示 无论什么时候你方便时么.说错了。我觉得应该选D 不是C。 You should return the library book.(同义句) no more =not any more 举个例子no more =not any more 举个例子I can not write anymore = I Think I Love My Wife 翻译 I think I could understand Nobody can understand my sadness翻译成中文什么意思 as much as if not more so than,.特别不懂so为什么要放在more than .中间. if not As much as if not more so than women 如何理解 最好一个字一个字分析As much as if not more so than women ,fathers struggle to be taken seriously when they request flexible arrangement 请问if at all ,if not more so,if not impossible分别什么意思请给出例句分析 is still as ture as ever ,if not more so Can you understand me Who can understand me and understand me who can comfort?的意思 一个字的发音一个三点水,右边是单 I seem unable to understand me.who can. It's time to arrange my time.