
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:20:16
西班牙语代词用法现西第三册85-86页Luis se despidio de sus familiares prometiendoles que + 句子这里的prometiendoles是副动词形式,为什么les作为与格代词要跟在prometiendo后面,而不是用les prometiendo形式,这是 古诗《思母》作者:舆恭 以及解释意思本人急需该古诗的意思, She is too big ( )on the bed.A,to sleep B,to live ∽是什么意思思 岳阳哪里有音乐书买? 2011年上初一的书有哪些?各有多大?我今年该上初一了,请问初一有哪些书?今年的,分别多大?我是要包书皮,是大、中还是小? 可不可以给我初一人教版书的大小啊因为我要准备包书皮,现在便宜,早点买对了,我在南昌 “克父”、“克母”等究竟是什么意思呢? There is a bed for us to sleep on 这样的表达对吗? 我的电脑长35厘米,宽25厘米,要转换成英寸,到底是多少寸啊,我要买电脑包需要知道尺寸啊急! YOU will hear ( )this later .A.of B.about C.from D.out Cut through .and get to the basic?Cut through the noise regarding network security strategy and get to the basic:Regardless of how or why your network might be attacked,attackers are looking for vulnerabilities and if your network has known and prove 凡卡再也不能忍受__________,要求离开鞋店的心情十分_____________. 用了and,可以省略什么句子成分 separately and a bit differently在这个句子里面不知道做什么成分好,求翻译~Europe through the European Federation of Psychological Associations and the European Diploma which applies to 32 countries, and, separately and a bit differen 移动话费中,上网费指的是什么? and连接的两个并列成分的谓语动词的单复数情况 移动话费冲正是什么意思啊? and连接的并列成分Peter has to stay at home and studies for his Chinese test.这里为什么用studies不用study,and不是连接并列成分吗,前后应该都是动词原型啊 移动话费的有效期限是什么 下面这句话的语法结构和,为什么并列成分之间没有and?Perhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty,the wretched out of his misery,to make the burden-bearer forget his grief,the downtrodden his degradation 用and并列成分前后结构必须一样? 天使 I AM NOT WHAT YOU WANT怎么样 He is so ____ to his scientific research that he neglects his meals and sleep.[A] absorbed [B] attracted [C] commited [D] engaged2.Children of today will become old ____ turn[A] in their [B] in [C] by [D] out ofAnd reason,please.Thanks. 我们一行三人 用英语怎么说 用and so on 造个句子 请问“一行温暖的祝愿”用英语怎么说如题 and so on 必须用在句尾吗? we danced, sang and so on 这句话什么意思 自语的意思 大厦之成,非一木之材也说明什么哲学道理 窃窃自语的意思