
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:39:45
《西游记》中,唐憎被封为_____,孙悟空封为____,猪八戒封为___,沙憎封为__,白龙马封为___ 1.灰黑色的秃树枝丫杈于晴朗的天空中(加点词语“丫杈”)2.打成一片春日的温和(加点词语“打”)以上两个句子中加点词语的意思是什么?在表达上有什么特殊效果?分别找出它们的同义 七年级上册的语文课本中的风筝一文的思想与练习阅读全文,用简练的语文说说课文围绕风筝主要写了哪两件事情.这两件事相距二十多年,期间作者的思想感情发生了怎样的变化?产生变化的原 2006年语文七年级4.风筝课后题!急救!语文出版社,第4课:风筝的课后题.竟可能简炼点!江湖救急! 11 .It took me _______ to think this out,and by that I had come to a decision.an hour or twoone hour or twoone hour and twoan hour and two 12 .— I’d really like some 1unch _______ I have so much work to do.— Tell me what you want _______ I can 带“缠”字的优美5言诗句.OK,越多越好.缠字最好在最后. 苏门答腊岛因厄尔尼诺现象,苏门答腊岛出现持续干旱,发生森林火灾.1997年,7、8月,南半球( )风越过苏门答腊岛,随后受地转偏向力的影响,偏转成( )风,使该岛大火的烟雾严重污染了新加坡 求优美语句,100字,急 十个字的优美句子 10个优美的句子(200字以上)只要是句子,200字以上就行了(不要骂人的) 七年级上册语文中《风筝》一课的中心是什么? 初一英语小练习册答案 第9题 二题和九题 英语翻译 英语翻译In men,good looks is a whole,something taken in at a glance.It does not need to be confirmed by giving measurements of different regions of the body,nobody encourages a man to dissect his appearance,feature by feature.As for perfection,th 英语翻译1 May you ride forever naked through the sky on the giant golden biscuit of loveliness.2 The best ones are the ones that make you laugh.Whatever that maybe.3 Art is not what you see,but what you make others see.4 you're such a gorgeous li 英语翻译1.The United States is off the northwest coast of continental Europe.2.Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.3.Spain is to the south of France. 英语翻译the amount of fuel used to transport a bus full of people is more efective compared to asingle person driving a personal car 翻译下 分析下成分 英语翻译Jim has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone. 写回忆爷爷的作文注:不要随便粘贴的! 给爷爷的一封信的作文怎么写,350字左右 写爷爷老了(老对爷爷的影响)的作文 英语翻译1.The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America.2.They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.3.Eric set sail once again,this time with 25 ships,of which only 14 made it to Greenland.4.but he was blown off course and fou 英语翻译The six weeks passed quickly.The time came for Sarah to play for her father.She went to the living room and said,"I'm ready to play for you,Daddy.“ "Fine,Sarah," her father said."Begin.She began to play.She played very badly.She made a 英语翻译如题,如果有能翻译的帮忙推荐一下哪个牌子和型号 读了怀念母亲,季羡林的母亲是怎么样子的呢求一篇日记 要700子的 初一下册语文《闻一多先生的说和做》 ⒈我们应该学习闻一多先生的什么精神?⒉作者是从怎样的角度选取材初一下册语文《闻一多先生的说和做》⒈我们应该学习闻一多先生的什么精神?⒉ 八下语文古诗及文言文 We are finalizing the Bidding Documents for procurement of the Marine Terminal at the Port of Rio de Janeiro that will receive the ships transporting the goods and their spare parts. 急求人教版八下语文书里的文言文和古诗词 英译汉!