
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:02:34
当X=( )时,式子(2X-3)/5的值比式子2/3X -4的值大1.1/3X-3a=1/2X-2a In your school,are you allowed to choose the subjects you want to learn?Of course,the answer is “No” here in China.(阅读题答案) Lily is good at English改为同意句 I am good at English,Lily is good at English ,tooI am good at English ,so----- ------- 现在有什么流行新词?3Q 网络新词都有什么? 若直线x+y=m与圆x2+y2=m相切,则m的值为?P(x0,y0)点到直线Ax+By+C=0的距离公式为:d=[Ax0+By0+C的绝对值]/[(A^2+B^2)的算术平方根]。 若直线(1+a)x+y-1=0与圆x2+y2+4x=0相切,则a的值为 若圆x2+y2=1与直线x/a+y/b=1(a>0,b>0)相切,则ab的最小值是? 双曲线4y的平方减x的平方等于20的焦点坐标是?顶点坐标是? What do you ( ) in the morning what do you do in the morning. 100个英语生词要一百个高一课外生词,要有中文解释.尽量生一点 读生词用英文怎么说 第23题,要有过程,用解方程来解. 解方程, The man asks her where she _____(come) from. ten past she___(不得不)go to the Children's palace to learn the piano on sundays.空里填什么? It's ten past We like going hiking ____a cool morning It takes about forty minutes to get to the cinema(forty minutes是划线部分,对划线部分提问)他每天花三十分钟锻炼.翻译,要写两个.急 My grandparents ---------- going hiking on the B.likes C.are like Every boy ____(like) going hiking. 双曲线方程为X2-2Y2=1,则它的右焦点坐标为 设P(A)=0.4,P(A+B)=0.7,若事件A与B互斥,则P(B)=?若事件A与B独立,则P(B)=? 已知a²+根号2×b=根号3,b²+根号2×a=根号3,且a≠b,求a+b的值. 谁能帮我做下这2题把带电荷量 C的正点电荷从无限远处移到电场中 点,要克服电场力做功 J,若把该电荷从无限远处移到电场中 点,需克服电场力做功 J,取无限远处电势为零.求:(1) 点的电 第二题做一下 1、在等差数列{an}中d=-2,a1=1,Sn=-35,求n2、在等比数列{an}中 a1=-27,q=-1/3,Sn=-20,求n,an 请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,That experiences infulence subsequent behavior is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkale activity called remembering. I get up early in the morning in the past .(同义句)Anny has no brothers or sisters in her family .(同义句)Anny is ______ _______child in her family . ______Lei Feng is no longer living , his spirit lives on tody .(If/When/