
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:59:14
some people think parents are best techers,do you agree?please give me your supporting details Some even give prize to people__ the best laughter 魔方加自行车自行车加魔方 魔方颜色什么意思 自行车加电瓶车等于? 翻译:some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the rightfamily,and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. 谁有外研社高中英语必修1的mp3文件?帮下! 解数学题一元一次应用:某人骑自行车比步行每小时快8千米,坐汽车比骑自行车每小时快16千米,此人从A地先步行4千米,然后乘车10千米就到达B地.他又骑自行车从B地返回A地,结果往返所用的时 求八年级上册英语新目标配套磁带音频MP3录音 谁有最新八年级上册的英语的全部录音(mp3格式)2014年春季,也就是现在的,越快越好,越全越好. 求,外研社初中英语一年级上册录音在哪里下载? 1 地球上的海洋面积约为陆地面积的2.4倍,地球的表面积约为5亿km平方,求地球上的海洋面积和陆地面积.{四舍五入到0.1亿km平方} 2 足球的表面是由若干个黑色五边形和白色六边形皮块围成的,黑 从78分之48的分子、分母里,都减去一个相同的整数,就成了7分之2,这个相同的数是多少? 诗用英语怎么读 春晓古诗用英语怎么读 古诗翻译成英语怎么读 请允许我为你们读首诗 翻译成英语 1.用一根长54厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,要使长是宽的二倍,围成的长方形的长和宽各是多少?面积是多少?2.甲、乙辆车分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,经过1.5小时在离终点18千米处相遇.已 如图所示,如遇合适的回答,我将适当提高奖励分数. (1)小红上午8点多钟开始写作业时,时针与分针正好重合在一起.10点多钟做完时,时针与分针正好又重合在一起.小红做作业作了多少分钟?(2)有一个长方形,它的长和宽各增加8厘米,面积就增 找规律,填上适当的数:1,1,2,3,5,8( )21,34 除了克,千克,克拉,还有什么 一个数的3分之2是48的3分之1,这个数是( ). 北京外国语大学附近有个外研社在哪里?地址?或哪里有卖七年级外研版英语磁带? Some people think that coral is a plant species,but actually animals.这句话的后半句语法有错误吗 求一个句子改被动some people think that computer will replace human race one daysome people think that computer will replace human race one day(改被动) 英语翻译1.The necklace looked great with her T-shirt.2.Boil some water in the pot ,and port bones to make bone soup.3.They surveyed the area to make sure the tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.4.Cars easily cost 100 times as much as 麻烦好心人帮忙翻译成英文句子.李先生给我的矢量图与王小姐给我的订单不一致,能不能给我提供一份含有具体数量的订单? 外研社初中英语七年级配套磁带 带例子 some people think that students will benefit more from large class than small class Some people think that CD-ROMs will soon be __ books.A.as more popular as B.the most popular thanC.so popular as D.more popular than Some people think loving brings more happiness than being loved?Do you think so?why?三分钟演讲