
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:03:21
The trouble is that i have lost his address.句子中哪个是表语? your home address i would have called on you the other day Ahad not i lost B had i not lostC if i shouldn't lose D if i didn't lose 英语翻译找出句意相同的句子“I would lose my job if I told the boss that I know the truth.”he talked a lot of r------.填单词 这句话里面的better什么词性?Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen better this year. as it is 与 as it were 如何区别,并举例 better是什么词性 This English-English dictionary ___me to underatand English words better(able)词性转换 you had better be careful.had better 的词性是情态动词,be careful词性是名词,情态动词后可以跟名词吗? better than是什么词性的词组 你了解我们的家园——地球吗? 我们的家园《地球》还有多长的寿命? 要鲁迅诗歌 用所给单词正确形式填空we were ____about what was going on next door(curiosity) 单项选择____situation is becoming worse and worse What should we do____nextA the,the B the,/ C a,the D a,/ Hi,Liam,next Saturday is Ann's birthday.What should we____ ______ her.What about a turtle?Hi,Liam,next Saturday is Ann's birthday.What should we____ ______ her.What about a turtle?It looks lovely.这里的两个空填什么? -We seem to be in a very bad situation.What do we do next,Mr.Jackson?--_____.Wait and see.A.Anything as you like B.I'm afraid notC.Iagree D.No idea. 关于地球和保护地球的知识越多越好 ____1_______+CaO+H2O------______2______{没配平}1:含三种元素的钠盐,2:无色溶液 将下列化学式补充完整2PH3+402=____+____CS2+302=_____+________C4H10+_______O2=_____+_____ Ann’s friends gave her many gifts.(同义句)Ann’s friends gave her many gifts.Ann _____ ______ _____ ____ by her friends.Many friends _____ _____ ______ Ann by her friends 氧气的化学式是02,03是什么?求03的中文名、03的正规写法,即O大写,3在0的右下角, 泰国明星Ann她演的剧哪些有中文字幕? These shoes cost (thirty yuan)two years ago.括号部分提问 (尺规作图)求作正方形使面积等于已知班面积的2倍.(尺规作图,写出作法证明,保留作图痕迹)求作正方形使面积等于已知正方形面积的2倍。已知:正方形ABCD,边长为a求作:正方形EFGH (尺规作图)求作正方形使面积等于已知两个正方形面积之和 正一价H;正一价Na;正二价Mg;正三价Al;正二价Zn;正二价Fe;正三价Fe;正二价Cu;正一价的铵根根据以上写出下列化学式.各位同志麻烦你们了.盐酸及氯化某;硫酸及碳酸某;硝酸及硝酸 尺规作图:已知一条线段,如何做以它为边长的正方形 化学式的书写、化合价什么的我都学得一塌糊涂的 导致后来学的化学方程式也一塌糊涂. 有几个问题一直都搞不懂:1 高锰酸钾的化学式是什么?锰酸钾的化学式是什么?它们的书写有规律吗? 麻烦发一个完整的初中所有化学式 要全部啊 把If it weren't for their support,we would be in a diffcult situation.的条件句的weren't提前.是Weren't it for their support还是were it not for their support 我们想要感谢下列人员的帮助和支持.We would like to ____ ____ ____ ____ their help and support. ___so much homework,little Tom can hardly find time to play in the garden.A.loading with B.loaded with C.loading by Dbeing loaded be loaded with