
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:04:23
A good dist is (a ) for a health life 首写字母提示 Mr.Zhao is very s__ ,but his students all love him. take it students watched his him to 连词成句拜托!今晚就要答案! the one with thick glasses over his eyes is.怎么读都感觉别扭改成the one is with tick glasses overhis eyes 如果不可以为什么呢? the one is with thick glasses over his eyes不说戴眼镜用wear吗?这里怎么用with 在通常情况下,水能被压缩吗? 水能压缩吗,若能,在极限压缩后会是什么样子 谁知道这个公司的中文名称叫什么Desk Pets International (HK) Limited,谢谢 为什么水能结冰但不能压缩? HK PRIDE INT'L REGISTER LIMITED 的中文名 ubs公司的中文名是什么呢?还有申银万国-花旗-UBS LIMITED是什么意思呢? Over on teousand teachers are going to the meeting( )( )one thousand teachers( ) ( ) ( ) ( )句型转换题.改同义句.记得说为什么要这样做另.有多少个括号就填多少个单词. 水能压缩吗?如何压缩呀?水结成冰体积会变大吧?如果能压缩会破坏水本身的结构吗? 水能不能被压缩?铁比水的密度大为什么可以压缩 THE STORY OF ART怎么样 the story of art 的作者是谁 The art of telling a humorous story,...The art of telling a humorous story,I mean by word of mouth,not print,was created in America,and has remained at home. STORY OF ART怎么样 The art of telling a humorous story,I mean by word of mouth,not print,...The art of telling a humorous story,I mean by word of mouth,not print,was created in America,and has remained at home. 英语翻译when your looking at the stars ,in the eternal blue .remember that each star out of these is a reason why I love you .and when you think your alone ,and when no one is there at all .I well be right there infront of you ,to catch you when C语言中print_star函数作用是什么? 英译中三People have strange ideas about food.For example,tomato is a kind of very delicious vegetable.It is one of the useful plants that can be prepared in many ways.It has rich nutrition(营养)and vitamin(维生素)in it.But in the 18t 月球上到底有金字塔没,很多探索书上都说有. 电影《泰坦尼克号》中,发现冰山一霎那水手们大喊“hard to starboard!”,但是看见舵手却拼命地向左满舵,不知道什么原因.有高手解释一下吗? 泰坦尼克号配乐Hard to starboard乐器?Hard to starboard开头与风笛相配合的那个拨弦乐器是什么?好像在爱尔兰音乐中经常出现,经常用到这个,在《大侦探福尔摩斯》的配乐里也用到了啊. hard-to-pieased什么意思 --What did he tell you?--he told me __A.don't be late B.not be late C.be not late D.not to be late请问选几,并且为什么! hard to express The teacher agrees that we do not do our homework.这个句子对吗?这里需要否定前置吗? Our English teacher requested that the homework ________ tomorrow.A.would be handed in B.hand in C.be handed in D.must be handed in 选一种民间艺术活动写一写 帮我组个词语!我朋友要结婚,我想用他们俩个的名字 组成一个词语做他们婚礼的主题!新娘子叫 杨宇 新郎叫郑东阳!喜气洋洋 我感觉不太好听