
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 15:42:54
啥意思这段话,看不懂?Your sister in law means,that it is the woman who is married with your brother.Your father in law is the father of your boyfriend or husband :D So,it was a little joke by me :D 请教大神,内在能力里智力提升运气是什么意思啊? 看不懂的说.We believe in Chinese Feng shai and would like to know abour your coming New year Rabbit. 这段话到底是什么是意思,我看了好久.看不懂分手后的两人N年后再一次相遇.女:“好.””“好.”“好.””“嗯,她刚才告诉我她很好.” vc++语句看不懂什么意思?for( int x = r.left; x = cutoff &&( p0[x-1] | p0[x] | p0[x+1] |p1[x-1] | p1[x+1] |p2[x-1] | p2[x] | p2[x+1] ) ){dst[x] = 255;add++;}}上面这段程序中的if()里的条件判断语句是什么意思啊? 已知sin(a+b)=13分之5 tanb=2分之1 求Sinb cosb已知sin(a+b)=13分之5 tanb=2分之1 a b属于(0,π) 求Sinb cosb 和sina 婚礼上如何难为新郎和新娘 解下列三元一次方程组(1){2x-5y=-11 ① 7y+4z=5 ② 5x+2z=2 ③}(2){3x-y+z=4 ① 2x+3y-2z=12 ② 3x+2y=66 ③}(3){3x+2y+z=14 ① x+y+z=10 ② 2x+3y-z=1 ③}(4){2x+y=42 ① 2y+z=48 ② x+2z=48 ③}(求求各位内,我要步骤 如图,求下列三元一次方程组的解, 解下列三元一次方程组, 人的智商满分是多少? 有一根绳子长38米,每22米做一根跳绳,这根绳子最多可以做多少根? 英语翻译oh sorry.im talking to about two other girls from china.But really?haha no!and yes...like every place,we do have the rich peoplewe do have people who think they are better than anyone elsewe do not sing randomly we do go to classmusic is 英语翻译She did not tell anyone where she was going.Children who do not know she went to something done,come back.I have become accustomed to her own way,and I promised my father to live a good life.Calm acceptance of her leave,I think overall th 英语高手请进!帮我翻译3段话吧,用在线翻译的连中文都看不懂了,谢谢吖!·······Long were the days I've spent within these walls And long were nights of aloneness How often have you sailed in my dreams And now in my awake 英语翻译be on photographic paper that has a backing which accepts and retains the date.Photos without this backing are not acceptable; be on prints that are well-fixed and washed to prevent discolouration; bear the date the photo was taken (not t 英语翻译insert-unlimited personality pointsdelete-unlimited simoleons $$$home-ultra fast game speed(3) 求北师大版必修1,2英语单词表和录音要全哦 mp3版的 有没有必修五英语单词录音? 跑道400米,甲乙分别以一定的速度练习长跑和自行车,如果反向行驶他们每三十秒相遇一次,如果同向而行每隔80秒,乙就追上甲一次,甲乙的速度分别是多少 新版鲁教版数学七年级下目录 四边形性质探索(9.6-9.8)测试题 七年级上数学鲁教版单元检测答案 如图,在菱形ABCD中,∠BAD=2∠B,E为BC的中点.求证:AE⊥BC. 我想知道我有哪些关于八年级地理知识不足的地方,要难的,越多越好. 1、与加拿大首都相比,巴西首都的位置特点是:2、加拿大与澳大利亚首都特点相同之处有:3、加拿大和澳大利亚的首都位于国土纬度较低的地方,4、通过与以上三个国家首都位置的比较,来评 1.我国有哪些省及行政区以河流为界?有哪些以湖泊为界?有那些以山脉为界?请各举两个例子 .2.甘肃 黑龙江 西藏 内蒙古四地,昼夜长短变化最大的是那里?临国最多的是那里?3.请说出我国台湾 三元一次方程组教师节甲乙丙三人去花店买花送给自己的老师 已知甲买了三朵玫瑰七朵康乃馨一朵百合花了十四元,乙买了四朵玫瑰十朵康乃馨一朵百合花了十六元,丙买了上面三种花各三朵, 求三元一次方程组0=a+b+c0=a-b+c6=4a+2b+c 三元一次方程组, 三元一次方程组 动词非谓语形式包括动词( )及动词的现在分词 ( )和动名词形式,有时也会涉及到动词的一些固定用法动词填空