
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:35:47
Do you agree felling in love in university?opinion and reasionmore? Some doctors in china are cheaters,Do you agree or disagree?I think some doctors are cheaters,they always exaggerate patient's condition and want to earn more money form the poor patients.Some docters don't have professional ethics and lose their con what are you doing later this afternoon这句话later在这里启什么作用啊,如果不加later意思一样吗? what are you father with you doing this afternoon?请问这句话对吗 Let's get some fruit翻译 Let's get mum some fruit它的同义句Let get ( )mum. Let’s get some fruit.We'll take it to the hospital.的意思是什么 亚硫酸钡 稀盐酸 离子 Do you agree that english is a messy language?why do you think so?麻烦用英文回答,急用.messy指混乱的意思。 塑料上粘有AB胶水怎么弄掉 设计电路图:三个电灯并联,一个电键控制三只灯,另一个电键控制两只灯,共用一电源要清楚的电路图! Shall I buy some bread?It's cheap Shall I buy some bread?It's ------ ------- He______(buy)some bread tomorrow. ( )There is ____bread left.Let's go and buy some.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little( )There is ____bread left.Let's go and buy some.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little I buy some bread for myself.这句话是不是也可以是:I for myself buy some bread?这种句子语序有什么规律吗?本人初学英语,我记得以前看过一个句子:I with my father am going to the cinema。后面的with my father 可 有亚硫酸钡吗?有亚硫酸氢钡吗?有的话溶于稀硝酸吗? 肌肉收缩时,肌肉里的细胞是怎么运动的啊? 为什么“运动能使肌细胞、肺泡数目增多”不对随着2010年的到来,一种新的生活方式悄然在影响着人们的生活:低碳生活、有氧运动.倡导人们“每天有氧运动一小时,健康生活好身体”,目的 怎样用化学方法鉴别伯,仲,叔胺? 鉴别伯胺,仲胺和叔胺时的亚硝酸可以用亚硝酸钠代替吗? 蛋白质一级结构上具有相对数量较多且比较集中的疏水性强的氨基酸时对其二级结构和三级的形成有何影响 Beijing is the 29th city that ___ the Olympic Games.A.hold B.holds C.have held为什么选B呢? Beijing is the 29th city __ holds the Olympic Games.请给权威解释,A.whereB.that Beijing is the 29th city___holds the Olympic Games.用定语从句where,that,which,or what 填空 把一根长1米的长方体钢管截成两段后,表面积增加了30平方厘米,原来这根管的体积是 一根长1m的圆柱形钢管,把它截成两段以后,表面积比原来增加了12平方米,这根圆柱形钢管原来体积是多少? 叔胺与仲胺和伯胺极性哪个大? 节日用的小彩灯是串联还是并联/ 我即将去上饶市工作,想问一下当地的朋友们,江西上饶市气候怎么样,一年四季温度如何,最高多少度,最冷多少度,穿什么样的衣服合适最冷是几月份,能到多少度? 江西省上饶市最近三天天气.求气温.天气. document.all.AdLayer.style.posTop是什么意思 求不同类型的噪声MP3或wma格式,如生活噪声、交通噪声?我邮箱dingzhengliao@yahoo.cn,谢谢了~!实验急需~