
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:14:11
请问be comparable for sb.to sb.with sb.分别是什么时候用什么时候用for sb.什么时候用to sb.什么时候用with sb. No comparable hurry to promote creativity怎么翻译啊, no comparable hurry to promote creativity翻译 With large surface-to-volume ratios and Debye length comparable to their small size,这句话怎么翻译 已知数列{an}满足an=(n-根号2008)/(n-根号2009) (n属于正整数),判断{an}中是否有最大项、最小项.写出推导过程 comparable dunnage是什么意思这是外贸中对于箱体的包装要求,Fill void areas with polystyrene peanuts or comparable dunnage.请问这是在箱体中填充什么? 新中国成立时,国民党控制的省份,还有哪些? compare to "That compared to fifty-two percent of the patients who were named in prayers but were not sure if someone was praying for them."如何翻译.不大理解这里的compare to 在主句中用法, sure和certainly的用法和区别 说明基本用法就行 要例句和例句的中文,例句也不要太复杂 急需7个歇后语,要有解释和例句!重要的是要有例句! Who invented the first steam engine? 1949年10月1日新中国成立那天还有哪些地方没解放 视频 怎么握笔写字快啊!上课记笔记记太慢.如题,上课记笔记记太慢,记不全,求教,最好上个图啊~ 高一三角函数填空题 我写字速度很慢,上课记笔记,还没抄完,老师就擦掉了.有人说下课借同学的抄,可是这样很麻烦啊.下课了以后就不想去抄了. 我写字很慢^差不多每写一个字之前都要想想这个字怎么写~上课记笔记灰常吃亏我该咋办?从一年级写到九年级你们觉得我写的字还会少麽?我觉得不是因为字不熟^字我是会写的^是不是 如何使自己的笔记记的美观.复习的时候一目了然.写字公正这方面 我觉得写的还行.复习的时候觉得有点太挤.有种杂乱的感觉. 若一个600度的角的终边上有一点P(-4,A),则A的值为? 学案 初一英语第四单元导学稿选词填空fight ,listen ,feel ,strict ,luck ,terrible ,remember ,outside ,arrive ,noisy1.She____meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre.2.We must clear the room before our guests____.3.Anne need to ____to her 直角坐标平面内的两个向量a=(1,3),b=(m,2m-3),使平面内的任意的一个向量c都可以唯一表示成c=λa+μb,求m取值范围, 19 《一面》 导学案 If the function f given by f(x)=x3 has an average value of 9 on the closed interval [0,k],then k=? Then the depletion of total domestic resources required to support Y is given by: find the differential dy of the given function y=3x^(2/3)找到y=3x^(2/3)的微分dy 指南针上360度是哪个方向 高数 考研 极限 无穷小因子 x+√(1+x^2)-1~x (x→0)这个式子是不是把0代入到x^2里了?那为什么就不能带入到x里呢 write down the 36th odd number的意思?以及其他的一些英语数学题!1.bill and moana start together on a long distance ren around a circuit .it takes bill 25 minutes to complete a circuit and moana takes 35 minutes.a.how much time will elaps 求解一道英文指数数学题 exponential functionAn orchestra tunes to a frequency of 440,which sounds the A above middle C.Each octave higher doubles the frequency,and each of the 12 semitones in the octave increases the frequency in the same r 英语的数学题Determine if the relation is a function. 25) {(-7, 2), (-4, -3), (-2, 9), (2, 7)}怎么做? 在线求一道英语数学题,有关 logistic growth function.The logistic growth function f(t) = 3150/ 1+6e^(-0.22t) describes the population of a species of butterflies t months after they are introduced into a non-threatening habitat.(a) Who many