
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:53:59
1.book,a,in,this,photo,picture,is,there.这些英文怎么排列 希望在8月5日之前能有答案!Look!This is a picture of a p_____.There is a l___inthe park.There is a s___ and a b___ on the lake.The h_____ is near the lake.And the t____ is near the h_____.There is a c____ in front of the h_____.Look,there is 某停车场收费标准:1小时以内收费5元超过1小时,每超过1小时加费2.5元.他在停车场交了25元,共停车几小时 某停车场收费标准是:1小时以内收费5元;超过1小时后,每超过1小时加收费,25元他共停车多少小时? 某停车场内收费标准如下2小时收费2元超过2小时每小时多缴0.5元王经理在停车场缴拉 人教版 最好有词语解释 已知向量a=(3,4),b=(sinα,cosα),且a∥b,则tanα等于 Look at the beautiful park.There ( )a( )in the park,but there ( )one two years ago.There ( )some (Look at the beautiful park.There ( )a( )in the park,but there ( )one two years ago.There ( )some ( ).There ( )also lots of ( )here.It's beautiful. Look at the picture. The sun is () the mountain .There are some clouds () the sky.The elephant is () the hippo and the lion. The girraffe is () the lion .The lion is () the giraffe .The hippo is () the water. There is some grass () the tree. Look at this picture.That’s our house.Some hills are near the house.There is(有)aⅠ.选择正确的一项( )1.-What’s this?-It’s_________.A.a picture B.a hill C.a bird D.a dog( )2.There is_________here.A.house B.some hills C.a big tree D.a la Look at__picture,lt's a picture of a park.ln the park_are some big trees and some animals.ln the 一个停车场一小时收费伍元,超过一小时,每半小时收费一点五元,最后李叔叔共交了15.5元.他停了几个小时? 当-1 设全集是实数集R,A=[x/2x的平方-7x+3小于等于0],B-[x/x的平方+a小于0]当a=-4时.求A交B、;A属于B 急用 请帮我解答下 设全集是实数R,A={x|2x^2-7x+3≤0},B={x|x^2+a 已知全集U=R,集合A={x|-2<x<2},B={x|x的平方-2x≤0},则A∩B=( ) A [0,2) B (0,2] C (0,2) D [0,2] 9.6/30怎么简便计算 设全集U=R,集合A={x|-1≤x0},满足BYC=C,求实数a的取值范围 麻烦问下1+X+X^2+X^3能再化简吗? 若√-x²-2x-1有意义,求x范围 求.三角函数反三角函数的所有公式? 已知M={y|y=x的平方-2x-1,x属于R},P={x|-2小于等于x小于等于4}则集合M与P的关系 已知集合A=(xIx的平方-2x-3小于等于0),集合B={xIm-3小于或等于x小于或等于m+3,m属于R}1·若A交B=(xI2小于或等于x小于或等于3),求m的值 2·若A包含于CRB,求m的取值范围 已知集合A={x|x的平方-2x-3小于等于0},B={x|x的平方-2mx+m的平方-4小于等于0,x属于R}.(1)若A∩B=【1,3】,求实数m的值;(2)若CRB包含A,求实数m的取值范围. 求下列式子中的未知数的值:(1)4x^2=25(2)(2y-3)^2-64=0 当x=2,y=2/5时,(x-y)(x-2y)-1/2(2x-3y)(x+2y)的值为( )四个选项:a.-2/3 b.2/3 c.-2 d.2我的财富值不多了,望请见谅, 关于反三角函数求导的问题,课本上说y =arccos x的反函数是x=cos y,所以 (arccos x)'=1/(cos y)'=-1/sin y=-1/(1-x^2)^1/2.y=arc cosx 的反函数不应该是y=cos 为什么反三角函数求导公式里没有三角函数我这么问的原因是看到了反函数的求导法则,互为反函数的函数的导函数互为倒数.那既然(tanx)'=(secx)^2,为什么(arctanx)'=1/(1+x^2)而不是(cosx)^2 x取何值时有意义.根号4-x² 当x为何值时,√4x2+1有意义,当x为何值时,√4x²+1有最——值为—— 当x满足什么条件时分式1/(a²-4)有意义? 1、加减消元解3x+2y/5=-x-3y/3=4,2、已知2x+y=3a,x-2y=a求y分之x的值.