
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 04:35:41
选他当班校长是make him a headmaster 还是make him headmaster?为什么呢?去掉班字 the teachers made Mr Wang headmaster为什么headmaster前面的定冠词a省略了 小学升初中该预习什么! = = ·~ 请问一下怎样预习初一的课程?因为我9月就要升初中,所以想先准备一下,请问怎么准备呢我最想知道数学大概有学什么课程还有语文,望过来人能帮我解困惑,本人感激不尽! 我要上初中了,要预习那些内容啊! 初中要怎么预习效果才好 当然还要预习,题目都好难,悬赏虽然不多, when he was at college,he used to travel a lot.这句活used to已经表示过去常常,为什么后面还加a lot 列子二则 杨布打狗的注音尤其是多音字! 《列子》二则 (《杞人忧天》《杨布打狗》)教学课件 《列子》——《杨布打狗》中“子无扑矣,子亦犹是也. 【急】改错My family has got a new computer recently.That's the very thing trouble me.I don't like it ,though it has a program that lets my parents to control how much time I spentd on the computer .When my time is up ,the computer turns on.Now I can you never play peacefully这里面never是什么作用请再举几个例句二楼 不是这个意思 按照你那个根本翻译不起来/// 一楼 举几个例 She tosses her hair a lot. How about the school trip改为同义句 强调句she became upset after her son left hershe became upset after her son left her 变为强调句强调状语after her son left her And,um how about the school trip?是设么意思 It is a circle.It is bumpy.You can play with it.这是什么?绝对会给分! 根据提示,补充句子.1.那光洁的蓝天,( ),又( ).(用比喻的修辞手法) 2.高粱( ),稻子( ).根据提示,补充句子.1.那光洁的蓝天,( ),又( ).(用比喻的修辞手法)2.高粱( ),稻子( _______,she was quite experienced in this work.A.AS he was young B.A child as he was C.Young as was he D.Child as he was为什么,请解析, with+宾语+宾语补足语时,宾语补足语可以是哪些 用with+宾语+宾语补足语组8个句子例如:The lady with a baby in her arms is my sisterThe teacher came in,with a book in his hand练习册上有的就不用回答了,要自己组的,长度适中,8个, with/leave/find+宾语+宾语补足语,这个怎么用? with+宾语+宾语补足语和独立主格结构有什么区别呢? Wish将来时态虚拟语气~这是wish的虚拟结构:主句   从句   现在时   过去时   过去时   过去完成时   将来时   would/could +动词原形 有几个例子:1.I wish I were as tall as you.2.He 怎样才能提高自己的自尊心和自信心呢?自己很没有自信,从小到大就这样,挺腼腆的… 哪些人做了哪些事情增强了我们国家的民族自信心和自尊心? 为什么说自信的人都应该有自尊心自信心 经常说我发现 我感觉的 是什么样的人? After i finish homework every night,i pack my______by myself. After that,I'd come home every day after looking for work.After that,I'd come home every day after looking for work,and Eric would talk to me.He'd ask me how my day_____;I'd ask about his.A.hasB.wasC.would beD.had been请问选什么?为什么? 女人为啥会有那么多的想法和感觉呢?