
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:09:41
太阳的话 是艾青到哪里写的诗 At last,the boy save from the brave,but the brave's died. 求美国各区域特点文化介绍!马上会去美国培训几个月想了解一下美国各区域的文化差异,风土人情等常识比如:拿中国说的话,中国有南北,东西文化差异,方言生活习惯就差很多,东南沿海经商 美国最有特点的风情文化是什么? 描写茉莉花句子 英语翻译Sam and Mike worked in the same office and they were friendly to each other.Last summer the two men went to a city by the sea for their holiday.They visited a few places of interest,swam in the sea and then lay on the sands.They had a goo 英语翻译I'm sure it's tough on my father,too,because I don't know much aout brick-laying,either,except that it's hell on the body,a daily sacrifice.I idealized my dad as a kind of dawn-riing priest of labor,engaged in holy ritual.Up at five every 英语翻译1.适合你的就是最好的.(suit)2.这场暴风雨对庄家损失很大.(damage)3.我们要采取有效措施来保护环境.(effective)4.为了提高产量,我们应该用心的研究成果.(apply)5.你很明智昨晚没有 用 “it is the first +time ”造句两个 英语翻译To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything:the ability to discriminate,to love and to remain indifferent.To lack it is to be locked within oneself,paradoxically incapable o 英语翻译As arguments like this are put forward(and we expect them to increase in the years to come),we need to remember two things.First ……Second ,the entire issue of competitiveness is suspected when it puts poorly treated workers in one cou He found that his bike ( ) A.gone B was gone C.missing D.is missing Several weeks had gone by ______ I realized the painting was missing.a、as b、 before c、 since d、 that这题选b,为什么连接词之前有个by? When i returnd to the classroom,i found my pen ________.为什么可以用missing/gone/lost?老师说的,这三个都可以 【高一英语单选题一道】Several pages were found _____when the book was returned to me.A.missing B.lost C.gone D.disappeare请问为什么答案选择C,而其他的不行? There are three traffic lights in the city(对three进行提问) it is the first …time that造句,快 设计5条劝戒广告语和2条禁毒标语有文采的 这个符号谁知道是什么意思 英语翻译【雷音翻译】雷音翻译是中国在册最大的翻译公司,是奥委会官方网、国家旅游局、中国贸促会的唯一合作伙伴,是2010年世博会、2010年广州亚运会亚组委的推荐语言供应商,我们的服 20个国家和首都的中英文翻译 我想自学英语,大家有没有初学者适用的书籍介绍啊 世界杯这个词的西班牙语怎么写 填介词:There is a ( ) the table. 用适当的介词填空. There is a lamp ___ the bedside table. 救急!填介词 Are there any apples ____ the table 英语翻译这句 “我喜欢你的声音,喜欢你的拥抱,喜欢你只对我这么温柔” 英语翻译Święty Ignacy przebywa jednocześnie w 2 miejscach na raz,na GG i na MSN! 新手准备自学英语,请问有什么方法吗? 请问如何才能说明自身的英语水平还不错(非英语专业)呢?是把中计口译、BEC、托福或雅思都考下来吗?如果为了以后工作着想,您认为在英语方面应该考什么证书?请知识丰富的你给我一些建 -What about ____ speech?-It was to-What about ____ speech?-It was too tiring,you know ,____speech for me.A.a;theB.the;theC.a;theD.the;a 1.---What's your speech _____,professor Wang?---It's about recyling the rubbish.A.by B.of C.from D.on2.He hardly has meal ,_______ _______?(改为反意疑问句)