
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 22:38:12
写汉意 或 单词 you know it is not true and that'll that matter 如何在六个月内学会任何一种外语 plase write a r___ on students'vacation think of 5 items that you would pack in your suitcase to take on holiday .In English write down one item on each slip of paper.这两句话 这是 口语老师 还发了 5张白纸 . —Which of the two ties would you like to take?—________.You know I’m not particular about ties.—Which of the two ties would you like to take?—________.You know I’m not particular about ties.A.Any B.Either C.Both D.Neither Where can I take the No.6 bus?you can __ at the third crossing A.get it on B.get on it为什么答案选B 用正确时态填空,1:His mother often _ _ (get up)at 6:30 in the morning .2:They usually _(go) to the shop on Sunday. 一般过去式和过去完成时是如何区别的例如The man got on the bus这里怎么判断是用一般时呢?这里他已经上了车了不应该用完成时吗? We're not sure which ones yet.We’ll visit more countries in Asia.We're not sure which ones yet.这是定语从句吗?为什么用ones?帮我分析一下句子结构呗, they sure are 是什么句型来的 IN THE ZONE怎么样 in a zone与in the 我问的是俚语 关于布兰妮的IN THE ZONE请问到现在为止布兰妮的IN THE ZONE卖的多还是克里斯蒂娜的《裸》卖的多啊? 为什么我买的布兰妮<IN THE ZONE>只有6首歌不是应该有12首吗?美卡音响出版的,我想不会是盗版吧,我们这个大书店和音响点都卖的那个版本...都只有其中6首啊 选择------------------------------------let's go together A:i am going to the bookstore buy a bookb:i go to the bookstore 什么是情态动词 0-3岁这么小的孩子懂什么呢?有必要早教么?自己和朋友的孩子都一周岁了,不知道对其进行早期教育有什么益处呢? 给孩子专门进行早教教育真的有必要吗?因为我们小时候都没有什么早教之说,都长得很好,嘻嘻!孩子还小,不希望现在就给他压力 stray '\' in program error:stray '\32' in program是什么意思?急, stray \234 in program stray '\194' in program和stray '\212' in program是什么错误 may you have a colorful world in your life中文什么意思如题 情态动词是什么 up/early/morning/does/wake/frank/in/the怎么改成问句 什么是情态动词 情态动词是什么? NO news is good news .remember many things are slow these days 后面一句怎么翻译 死也不倒下读后感 英语翻译翻译成潮汕话,要拼音哦. 为什么我们国家现在还以义勇军进行曲为国歌