
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 13:58:34
little Tom sits on the chair with out ( )a wordsay Tom likes to eat the cakes with(s ) 怎么填 起英文名,我想起个与中文谐音,叫碧娟 求英语简短话剧,五分钟之内能演完的,有5个人表演,帮忙附上中文翻译和动作,搞笑一点, Where were you before you came here?I___(stay) in the UK for half a year Where were you an hour ago?看到这个题该怎么回答啊?懂英语的兄弟们快来帮帮忙啊~ 1.His mother didn't feel like working,so she advised______(spend)the day in the garden.我写的是to spend答案是spending2.He got up late and hurried to his office,______ the breakfast untouched.A.left B to leave C leaving D having left我选D 定语从句he didn't like the way she talked 这句话 写完整 怎么转换? He will be here in half an hour.为什么will后用bHe will be here in half an hour.为什么will后用be he will stay here for an hour 提问_________ __________will he stay here somewhere in the jungle 歌词 When you physically hurt or that you would be concerned about people我也这么觉得什么烂英文偶也只知道大概意思 英语翻译I am also concerned about the short prison sentences people are serving for serious crimes.of course one alternative to this is to restore capital punishment.but I am not sure I would be for that. 这句英语怎样运用:be concerned about one's country and one's people,其人忧国忧民,使用的时候怎样说?语境:杜甫,唐代最伟大的现实主义诗人,一生绝大部分时间都生活在民间,生活困苦,其人忧 为什么The zoo was suitable for animals to live in.次句需用in? 英语翻译 sth is more than 7 than .. There will come a day when the people of the whole country[ ] a happy life.选择.A.livesB.will liveC.will have livedD.have lived 可以说in there ,in here吗?我知道here和there是副词,前面好像不可以接介词的但是今天看六人行,有句话是这样的 how long was I in there?这是怎么回事? 快船迟开先进港,笨鸟先飞早入林的意思 笨鸟先飞早入林后面一句是什么 She wanted to get married!Heaven and hell is separa... Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.这句话语法对么?宾语从句? at breakfast; at lunch 的搭配对么? What's the w___ like today? 快船迟开晚进港,笨鸟先飞早入林是什么意思 祝威廉和凯特新婚快乐 如何翻译成英语 将下列词变副词 use___ careful___ easy__ heavy__ happy__ slow__ interest__ real__ quiet __ good__loud_ high__ beautiful__ thank__ help__ fast__ early__ true__lucky__ busy__ 笨鸟先飞早入林比喻什么不见兔子不撒鹰比喻什么 苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋比喻什么 得志的猫儿欢似虎比喻什么好马不吃回头草比喻什么 "笨鸟先飞早入林"有谁能不能够再解释清楚点!如果一只鸟它先飞了,而且早入林了有什么不好?做人做任何事情不是首先赶在任何人前面吗?又不是在打战,哈哈 .Before the child went to bed,the father asked him to ___ ___ all the toys he had taken out.A.put off B.put up C.put away D.put out.Thinking that you know __________ in fact you don't is not a good idea.A.what B.that C.when D.which.------ "__________ 1.The money _____ will be used ____"project hope"A.which is collected;for B.is collected;for C.collect;on D.which collected;for2.I‘ll start early,_____ it may be dark.A.however B.whether C.if D.though3.____ the day went on,the whether got worse.A.w