
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 19:02:59
“至今商女,时时犹唱,后庭遗曲.”做结尾,有什么深刻的含义? 《桂枝香·金陵怀古》最后一句“至今商女,时时犹唱,《后庭》遗曲”的深刻含义 至今商女,时时犹唱,后庭遗曲的原句是?古人作诗常“化用”前人成句.那么,“至今商女,时时犹唱,《后庭》遗曲”的前人成句是? 苝是什么意思 1.I wonder ---- you would like to come to my birthday party.A.that B.if C.that if D.that whether2.The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered ---- of them.A.some B.lots C.each D.few3.--What he enjoy ---- great and interesting.--Yes, 苝濞是什么意思? 请你从国家和个人角度为高校毕业生就业出谋划策 请列举藏族蒙古族新疆维吾尔族的特色文化各三例并为少数民族发展出谋划策 判断.对的√ 错得打X .①3X4分之3和4分之3X3所表示的意义不同,计算方法相同.( )①3X4分之3和4分之3X3所表示的意义不同,计算方法相同.( )②任意一个自然数都有倒数.( )③鸡的只数的5分 4+4×3=( ) A、4+3x4 B、(4+4)×34+4×3=( )A、4+3x4 B、(4+4)×3 C、4×4+3 IDP是什么意思 国际开发署IDP,全称是什么前面两个应该是international development,p是什么 口罩能减少橡胶味对人体的危害吗? People in many countries g____ fresh water fish from eggs. 初中狗,你为何那么吊?书都没读完就辍学了,教育程度所以其他.年龄比我还小两岁,就大言不惭的大放厥词.偶尔吸烟、昼伏夜出,你他妈去做鸭子? 你为什么那么吊网络用语怎么写 说出125个近意词成语,125个反义词成语. mooncakes have many different s() i have many different kinks _____ books. 帮忙把这句话变吊点!我不是随便的人,我随便起来不是人.变成类似于这种的∞\7\7洅茨哒失ér鳆鍀会让偶鲠加抮嶍?& 21305—budget restraints have led to many different educatinal programs being dropped from schools. 3752想问:1—being dropped from schools:2—为什么是being 不是were 或是别的为什么不用droped 就是把being去掉因为是现在 工 (打一“电信词语”) budget restraints have led to many different educatinal programs being dropped from schools. 更上一层楼 (打一“电信词语”) 根在夷州 (打一“电信词语”) 物质的可溶性是物理性质还是化学性质? 在醋酸中加入醋酸氨为什么导电能力增大?另附:向氢氧化钠的固体中加入100ml,0.5mol/L氨水为什么导电性能增强?(回答详细者追加分) 用there be的适当形式填空-------any water in the house?No,------- (not)------- any boys on the play -ground?- Yes,------ one. 用there be的正确形式填空_________a big tent at the camping site._________some milk in the glass._________some boys beside the school bus._________one spoon and two forks in the cupboard._________not any bread on the plate._________about 60 st 当别人问你为什么为每次找你都在,我要怎么回答 别人问:“你为什么单身” 你会怎么回答? kisame is a shark,and sharks are fish,conclusion:,kisane=fish Did you understand?翻译