
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 11:38:38
编程求1+3+5+7+…+99 编程求1+3+5+7+…+99的和? 周六我要举办个生日晚会Ilive.invite.to.saturday evening Would you like.let's.welcome 用上这些英文 谢 代数式5a的平方-3ab+b的平方-7是()的和 英语翻译Most people love eating meat,but in fact,eating less meat is good for one's health as well as good for global climate.lmproving efficiency and using renewable energy are not enough to help preventclimate change.What'smore,according to the Dietary vitamin A can improve immune function in heat-stressed的中文翻译 I have some______ ______ for you this month 非零向量a,b,当x取何值时向量a+xb的模最小 填空:The most m_____ thing is when I went to school for the first time. the first thing when you go to school is _ the teacher a,greeting b,to greet c,greet d,greeted选A还是B呢 英语翻译等我变坏了就有资格让你喜欢了,等我. 肖像描写我的同学 肖像描写包括哪些?如:包括外貌描写.等等,.今天就要! 174元,科技书是文艺书的2倍,漫画比科技书少6元.三种书各多少元算式 肖像描写的作用是什么? 如果共有500本图书,则文艺书,科技书,漫画书,其他书各有多少本 其他占10% 文艺书占35% 漫画书占25%科技树占30% ()数量最多 ()数量最少 一道题 肖像描写细分还有哪些种 He didn't go to school because of ______(sick). 已知lal+lbl=1,a与b的夹角为60°,m=a+xb,n=a,m⊥n,则x的值为 i feel sick because i had a headache .这个句子后面用过去时对吗? 已知a^m=1,b^m=2,(a^xb^x)^m=16,求x的值 若(a的m+1c次方xb的n+2次方)x(a的2n-1次方xb)=a的5次方xb的3次方,求m+n的值 1 yesterday morning ,I ,not,go to ,school,because,,feel,terrible2 my mother,take ,see ,doctor3 doctor,say,catch,bad,cold,school,drink.more,water,not ,studytoo late,worry about,feel,better,now4 I have,stay,bed ,and ,take,medicine写信,60---70字 1.根据首字母填空:She is a n_________ ,she looks after patients well?2._________ the job in the police station ___________?(excite)3.在生日那天,她收到了许多朋友们送给她的礼物.4.I want to give the dictionary to him.(改 璟是什么意思 璟字怎么读 璟瑜是什么意思 We should treat the eldery with kindness.同义句 The elderly should _______ _______ _______. 璟辰什么意思 All children should be treated with kindness.(同义句转换)We should_____all children______kindness He got quite a lot of birthday presents from his family. he got a lot of birthday presents f___ his family ,and one of t___ was a beautiful drum.