
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:54:37
晚上睡觉经常做梦,梦是现实的预感吗? 单相全波电阻负载整流电路中,交流电压U负载电流I二极管承受最大反向电压为(A)2根号2U(B)根号2U(C)2U(D)1/2 “晚上睡觉老爱做梦?就睡着梦到天亮,早上起来很累,大脑根本没得到休息,如何改善睡眠质量?” 一个电阻值为R,两端所加电压为U,通过电阻的电流为I,如果加在此电阻两端的电压变为2U,则A电流不变,电阻不变B电流不变,电阻加倍C电流加倍,电阻不变D电流加倍,电阻加倍说明原因~ 木薯生粉是怎样的,大快颗粒那种吗. 0.1mol/L硼酸缓冲溶液PH=8.8怎么配急 一只电阻值为R的电阻丝,两端电压为U时,通过的电流为I,若将该电阻两端电压变为2U,则电阻的阻值和通过它的电流分别是( ) 7they will go home after they finish their work13.Most people stayed at home because there was a terrible snow.1.It’s raining cats and dogs.同义句同义句同义句同义句同义句同义句 身体温度最低不能低于多少度? 0.1mol/l NH4Cl 0.01mol/lNH4cl PH 哪个大 为什么 1.They went home after they finished the work.同义转换这个句子,就是英译英2.The old man died three years ago.3.Hurry up ,and you will catch the bus.4.May came to Shenzhen in 1996.5.Mike joined the League half a year ago.以上句子同义 The workers went home after they finished their work.改写句子保持原意.The workers ___go home___the 0.1mol/L的CH3COOH与NH4CI哪个pH大 改成一般疑问句They do their work at home They are walking home after ___ the work.A.finish B.to finish C.finishing 谁知道这个该真名设计啊单相双半波晶闸管整流电路的设计(纯电阻负载)设计条件:1、电源电压:交流100V/50Hz2、输出功率:500W3、移相范围0º~180º 某电阻性负载的单相半控桥式整流电路,若其中一只晶闸管的阳、阴极之间被烧断 某单相半波整流电路对电阻负载供电,Rl=50Ω,Ud=0~600V,(1)试选择晶闸管的额定电压、电流.(2)连接负.(2)连接负载导线的截面(导线允许电流密度j=6A/m㎡);(3)负载上消耗的最大功率是多少? 三厢半控桥式整流电路电阻性负载每个晶闸管电流平均值是输出电流平均值的() A1/6 B 1/4 C1/2 D1/3 元素有没有同位素是什么决定的 元素的同位素由什么决定的? 同一种物质的粒子和原子是不是互为同位素?原子包括离子吗? 元素的同位素由什么决定? 某市为了鼓励市民节约用水,采用分段计费的方法按月计算的数学题 如何用化学商品名查找化学名 Half of the work in our office ____by the computer last year 用was done 还是were done About three -fifths of the work ()done yesterday.A,had B ,was C,were,xiexie 为什么thousands of houses were seriously (damaged)by the stormand the repair work would last halfa month为什么不能用ruined 选哪个,请给出原因.A.are they to work B.were they to work C.had they worked D.have they workedMany young graduates don't want to work because they think that______,they probably wouldn't be able to enjoy an easy and colourful life Two-thirds of the work是is done还是 are done 芋头会有毒吗? 木薯有毒吗