
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:13:01
Send for a doctor quickly.The man_ .正确答案为什么是B,A也表示将要的意思呀?选项:A.will die dying C.dies D.died _____ ___ _____(留长指甲)is going to make germs get into your body easily. I can easily get in through her attic window.请问get in 后 为什么 有through How can Lily's mother get to the post office from her house? 1、Germs can get into our bodies ________ different ways.A.without C.on2、I saw Tom __________ the piano almost every weekend.He must play it very well B.playing C.plays最好能说明一下原因, Although he is young now ,he can cook by himself Although he is young now可以整个做让步状语吗 形容自己付出全部,别人却不在意的句子 形容一个人对你不在意,你也不必对他在意的句子 形容不在意别人对他的态度的词语 Although he is young now,he can cook by himself 这里的now是不是只是修饰让步状语 不是整个句子把? although the food wasn't very good,it is getting better. Heart belongs in the human body -- my the liver is the largest organ in the human body.中文翻译 There are fat cells in the human body. the human body has over 45 miles of nervesenjoy the ride求英语高手翻译下... 白衣人 THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT怎么样 英语翻译 He sat down____an apple tree.用适当的介词填空 天净沙 秋思选文前三句用九个细节构成一幅图画,极大渲染________的气氛表现一个长期漂泊异乡的人的_________心情 英语翻译班超字仲升,扶风平陵人,徐令彪之少子也.为人有大志,不修细节.然内孝谨,居家常执勤苦,不耻劳辱.有口辩,而涉猎书传.永平五年.兄固被召诣校书郎,超与母随至洛阳.家贫,常为官佣书 long-range 英语翻译第一句:Zhang Lan is going to Hainan.It is hot and sunny.She is going shopping.What is she going to buy?第二句:Tom is going to Harbin.It is cold and snowy.She is going shopping.What is she going to buy? 英语翻译parents are the closest people to you in the world.they love you just because you are you.and they would do anything for a lot of middle school students,zhang shuxia has a problem.she and her parents don't get on well."l really w 英语翻译平王立,东迁于洛邑,避戎寇.平王之时,周室衰微,诸侯强并弱,齐、楚、秦、晋始大,政由方伯.1、简述当时的政治局势。2、平王东迁洛邑是在哪一年?洛邑在什么地方?3、平王为什么 so far 放句首后面的句子怎么跟 英语翻译还有这句话是什么语法啊 我怎么也看不明白...the lord my soul to take 这是什么语序?什么语法?能否帮我写成短语形式的好理解 然后这是句歌词 所以还是说是为了押韵后置了? would you like a trip to beijing?的同义句【 】you 【 】a trip to beijing? 泰勒斯威夫特long live里面伴唱的美女是谁 help my mother还有decide to可换成 化学翻译 追加高分4-Fluoro-2-(3.4-dimethoxyphenyl)benzothiazdeN-(2-Fluorophenyl)-3-benzloxy-4-methoxybenzamideBis(2-amino-4-fiuorophenyl)disulfide3-Benzloxy-4-methoxybenzoyl chloride加人化学术语 是什么 : Et3N HMPA 翻译 fouo 知音存海内,下一句是什么 夫人城鸟瞰文章帮我下求求了