
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:41:11
最好说明为什么1 .Mike’s uncle insists ______ in this hotel.(5 分)A.staying not B.not to stay C.that he would not stay D.that he not stay2 .The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_______ up to half will be from overseas.(5 分)A.i 6.Are there any bottles in that table?_________1No,there are 2Yes,there are 3Yes,there is.9._____!The teacher is dancing.1see 2listen 3look10._____an interesting book it is!1how 2what 3which11.______to Shanghai!1welcome 2please 3hello15Are they playi 英语选择题再次求教20.There's____milk in the fridge.1many 2much 3any22.Mum,we need some_____.1food and drinks 2food and drink 3foods and drink28.You can't____Chinese in English class.1is 2talk 3speak34._____would you like to have apicnic?In a ( )1)The moon is not a(an)_________on Mid-autumn Day.A.C B.circle C.O( ) 2)The crow is thirsty ________it can't drink the water in the bottle.A.and B.but C.so( ) 3)—Do you have cousins,Ben and Danny?—Yes,_____do.A.we B.they C.I( ) 4)Jac 英语选择题,求教~In the eyes of the newly-elected prime minister,there is never too small a thing as far as the marmers____A.are concering B.concernC.are concerned D.concerned 请翻译并讲解,多谢~ 求教,He is wearing a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes the strong sunlight.A.from B.in C.on D.with选什么?为什么? 关于英语语言学的, The following statement "Both sides are looking for a virgin birth,a deal with no obvious father" is an example of _____a.synecdocheb.antonomasiac.metonymyd.litotes 一道英语语言学选择题,a(n) ____ is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language.A allophone B allomorph C phoneme D phone 英语语言学里的 理论语言学与心理语言学有什么区别? 谁能帮我答一下和英语语言学有关的问题,要英语回答,急用!The following two excerpts are taken from an article (VAN DIJK:Context and Cognition:Knowledge Frames and Speech Act Comprehension).In one place,the author writes:This pape 几个英语语言学考研问题,请根据语言学依据用英语帮助俺回答1.what are the distinctive features?For eg.2.it is said that there are infinite number of speech sounds in any languang,why?3.why we can make dictionary of words of a l 英语翻译 普通语言学和英语语言学有什么区别 The opinion that "Error show that the learner has not changed his mother tongue habits of the new language" is very likely to be held by____.A structuralistsB.functional grammariansC transformational-generative grammariansD.formalists The structural approach to the analysis of language is connected with____a.theme and rhemeb.government and bindingc.immediate constituent analysisd.mood and modality 英语语言学选择题what an utterance may be able to depends very much on the force that is conventionally associated with the type of the utterance.this force is_____a.the percutionary force b,locutionary act c.illocutionary force d,stimulating ★几道英语选择题★可追加分数1.-"Will hand-drawn comics give way to computer-made _ " - "Out of _question" A .ones; / B.one ; a C.the ones; / D.ones; the (句意,各个词的区别) 2.Mike __ be a basketball player,for he is too short,be 1.How___you say that you really understand the whoe story if you have coverd only part of the article.a.can b.muse c.need d.may2.There are not enough chairs for the guess.we also need ___chairs.Which of the following is wrong.a.another two b.two anot 1.Fibers of hair and wool are not continuous and must normally be spun into thread____ woven into textile fabcrics.when to be/if they are to be2.The ambassador heard that ____ at his ppost a year longer.he be staying /he would be staying3.—what do So far ,she has got used to----to everything herselfA leadingB seeingC stickingD referring答案用seeing,see to是什么用法, It ____ snow very often in Shanghai.A.isn't B.doesn't还有请回答我的问题:1.为什么要选这个?2.is和are在这样类型的句子中怎么区别啊?我老是做错3.句中very 有用法和例句最好.请快一些, 英语高手请进,有几个选择题本人实在是想不明白1.Are there _____paintings on the wall? A.any B.a great many应该选哪一个,本人实在是搞不懂.2.My friends and I enjoy doing many of the same things. In that respect, we Priscilla plays the piano _______ she has the time.1.until2.ever since3.whenever4.afterAfter _______ the dishes,Susanna dries them.1.Henry washed2.Henry washes3.Henry will wash4.Henry is washingThe National Opera Company comes to town every winter.__ 帮我看几道英语选择题要正确率Lee holds his university's record for the 5K race.He has been training for the Olympics for the last several months,but _______ he can take six seconds off his speed,he won't qualify for the Olympic team.1whe 帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率A:Do you want to drive?B:No.I don't know the way to the lake.______ Olga is the one who knows how to get there,she should drive,don't you think?Even thoughWhether or notOnly ifSinceA:This morning I knew wi 帮我看几道英语选择题要正确率谢谢Do you know how lucky you are to have safe drinking water?While many of us take clean drinking water for granted,_______.1pathogens in food can cause illness2many people prefer tea or coffee3millions of 英语选择题答案(正确率要高)1.Don't you know he is an old friend of ________?A.my brother B.my brothers C.my brother's D.my brother's friend 2.I saw _____________ the day before yesterday.A.the both other two girls B.the two other both 英语选择题蒙什么选项正确率高 求正确率i often help mouther ____ housework after school.a.do b.doing c.to doing d.doesare you getting ready ____ the exam?yes,we are. a.to b.for c.in d.atwhat ____ "hongbao" ____?a.is;mean b.is;meaning c.does;mean d.do;meani wan 怎样提高英语选择题的正确率? 一道英语选择题(金融方面的)Commercial banks perform a very important service to all sectors of the economy by prociding facilities for the __of savings and making them available for economically and socially desirable purposes.A.deposi