
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:18:25
建党90周年 ——红色风采要写人的故事的 ! 高额悬赏红色短信,以建党90周年为主题,数量在最好30条左右,多的话可以我可以补充悬赏啊!我已经百度了不少短信,所以···一定要原创,用上什么 见与不见 体啊,凡客体啊神马的就再好不过了 讲师的简写是什么英语怎么简写,是lecturer? 同学英文简写!同学的英语有简写吗? Father wen to his doctor for ____.A.an advice B.advice C.the advice D.advising请说明原因 Father asked his doctor for an advice about his heart trouble. 28.Father went to his doctor for _____ about his heart trouble.A.an advice B.advice C.advices D.the advices how many books are how many are eight and three?的意思 韩国经典歌曲铃声精选31 歌曲的名字是什么啊 代词,介词,疑问词有哪些和用处 真珠美人鱼里总共有几首歌 had better 后接__,其否定形式为had better____ had better的用法举个例子 在介词后在,名词、代词都可以做( ) 什么是介词.代词.名词 ( )是介词 后接名词或代词 小强是蟑螂么? 有什么比较好的方法灭蟑螂么? had better/would betterhad better和would better一样吗,它们的缩写都是you'd better吗?had not better=would not better吗?would better可以所写成“you'd better”吗? The earlyer you get up,the more easy you'll catch the bus.是运用the+比较级,the+比较级吗?这个句子对吗? he is a (s___) boy,but his brother is a (s___).有一个空格可能是silly the boy isAllan.Behind ()(he)is his brother 仿句 爱心是一首飘荡在夜空的歌谣,是孤单无依的人获得心灵的慰藉以爱心为陈述对象,仿照上面的句式再造两个句子使之与例句一起构成排比 如图所示,一块长方形绿地毯地长200米,宽100米,要在绿地上开辟两条道路,每条道路的宽处处相等,求剩余绿地的面积. There are certain ________ when you must interrupt people who are in the middel of doing somethinga conditions b situations c occasions 求权威老师 帮我分析分析 1.There are certain ____ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing sth. 丁零零怎么读?字典中零的读音是二声,但是在“丁零零”中,“零”是轻声吗?请指教! 闹钟的小锤子敲空心的那个东西怎么会发出丁零零的声音 请教一道英语填空题:My parents_________ of that schoo1.A.both are teachers B.are both teachers C.My parents_________ of that schoo1.A.both are teachers B.are both teachers C.are teachers both D.both teachers are请问答案为什么是B 学校开展以“人与环境”为主题的调查活动,如果你是学校派出的小记者,你要去采访环境专家,你会对这位专家提出那些问题?请你设计几个采访话题吧. My parents keep telling me that chances_____those who are always well prepared.A.are belonging toB.belong toC.are belonged toD.will be belonged to