
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:58:19
翻译:someone who cases about you the only one we will have no seafood to eat(句意相同) we_____have____seafood to eat. Hello friend You have just received a postcard from someone who cares about you!This is a part of the message:"Hy there!It has been a long time since I haven't heared about you!I've just found out about this service from Claire,a friend of mine who a We will have nothing to eat without water.(保持句意基本不变)We_____ have _____ to eat without water. we will have nothing to eat without water.(保持句意不变) 5.Many poor people have no food to eat.(句意不变) Many poor people_____ ______ ______ food to eat. I will die if l have no food to eat用英语怎么解释 中国周边国家的发展对中国有什么影响中国在2050年过里能赶上美国吗 a is more a factor of b than c怎么翻译 I am afraid he is more of a talker than a doer的翻译 it could be just knowing someone cares.的汉语that 后的句子充当什么成分 it was all right,but that's just about all you can say about it.请求翻译 帮忙取个英文名,我的名字是琢琦.最好是近似音! If you need someone who cares for you?什么意思..一个女孩子对我说的..求正解!前面再加上这一段话...(虚实自知,我很清楚。事实总是那么残酷。我宁愿不知道.........起码不会让我去想。难道就真的 call on me when need someone who cares Please tell me, in this world has the human to be able really cares about someone? 我的名字叫童琦,男,请帮我取个英文名同题,多取几个,我好选择,最好是谐音的 葡萄牙语和法语接近吗接近在什么地方? 广外 葡萄牙语广外新增的葡语教学质量怎么样?相比其他语种(西,法,德,意)录取线高吗?另外,四年后前景怎样?相比其他语种,报考难度呢?广外的小语种间报考难度能给我个排名吗?我想做填 父亲为什么要造一栋有高台阶的新屋 形容眼睛闭上的 高境界词语!闭目内视 闭目沉思 闭目养神 比如这类说明眼睛闭上了,但心里有更多想法的词语,还有更高层次的词语吗? YOU ARE ALWAYS MY We can have some s( ) food in this mew restaurant.Many dancers wear colourfui m( ) at the party. 把some,john,a,brought,in,restaurant,food,连成一句 原文:Nao canso de matar saudades da namo!在Nao的a上有一个小波浪号,请帮我翻译整句话好吗?这句话的和上次你帮我解答的那句话是同一个人写的,就是你说的三十岁以下的年轻人. 填空,一空一词.P----Police M----Miss Snow P:M,can you tell me what happened to you yesterdayP:M,can you tell me what happened to you yesterday evening?M:I was attacked.P:Now,what doyou remrmber about the ①______?M:Well,I was so ②_____ the wh 关于葡萄牙语的问题一、葡萄牙语的语法复杂吗?二、巴西葡萄牙语和葡萄牙本土的葡萄牙语有什么区别? 巴西外国人身份证上有两个词,不理解NACIONALIDADE:TCHADNATURALIDADE(PAiS):CHADE好像是讲国籍的,但是后面的不知道怎么理解, I like to play and sleep/to sleepI like to play and sleep 和I like to play and to sleep (多了个to)哪个是对的? I like to sleep enough sleep 英文歌词里what you are ,what you are,baby是什么歌女的唱的!很DJ不是这样!我把相似的中文读音写出来:意的吧,为了帮的汗的保温,安了有,大了扣为耻都温,意可贝班由错何不拉错.哇错哇贝贝,哦可秋. I like to sleep a little _____ (long).