
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:00:09
英语翻译很黑人口语化的语境是在夸自己事情干的很不赖!Shit you come up with off the top of your head,boy. 读周国平,毕淑敏等散文有感. cut off your nose despite your Bull Shit,fuck that,Your action has piss me 这个字咋庅读吖、?一个‘口’一个‘句’怎么读、?咋打出来?最好帮忙打出来、莪复制僦好诔、、还有一个字、一个草字头一个三点水一个有 Sam was taking his savings to the post office ____he lost his wallet选项:1.when 2.while 4.just as选哪个,为什么?能否顺便说一下 when 及while的用法吗? Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office.为什么taking his savings为什么不用was taking his savings he had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office 为什么用had lost his wallethe had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office为什么用had lost his wallet 他在去存钱时候,丢了钱包,过去完成时不 he had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office为什么当中省略was takinghe had lost his wallet while was taking his savings to the post office不是定语从句中才会省略be动词的吗? The local butcher,had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.一本练习书修改成:The local butcher,was taking his savings to the post office but he lost this wallet.后面的从句he lost是正确的时态吗?要不要加 英语翻译求翻译.Just arrived at the office and yes I was about to tell you on the way regarding the panel lights yesterday we contacted both our partners in Germany and one informed us that the warm white panel light did not work continuously a 图形的运动 旋转正三角形ABC的边长2厘米,现将△ABC绕着点A顺时针旋转120度后,再依次绕点B、点C顺时针旋转120度后,求点C所经过的路程.(结果保留π) 图形的旋转 如图,长方形ABCD以CD边所在直线为轴旋转一周,运动的轨迹形成的体是()体,若CD=3,BC=5,则旋转得到的体的体积是多少?如果以BC边所在直线为轴旋转一周所得的体以及它的体积还会一样吗? When he arrived at the a___ ,he was just in time to see the plane t___ off. 中文翻译英文 组织这个单词怎么写? phoned me when i was doing the housework这句是从句吗?如果是,它是什么从句啊? 张翰郑爽是要拍流星雨三吗张翰郑爽新拍的两部戏什么时候上演呢 LEE的英文名字是什么. 郑爽张翰拍流星雨第3部吗? 郑爽到底为什么整容?我觉得她在流星雨的时候很好看啊? 跷跷板属于平移运动还是旋转运动 关于律师的英文简介帮忙用英语介绍一下律师这个职业谢谢了 英语翻译:组织小组成员进行实验Organize the team members to do experiment.这样对吗?organize应该用原型还是其它时态? 一起又看流星雨有郑爽的歌吗 已知一个图形旋转后的图形如何确定旋转中心 知道一个图形及其旋转后的图形时,如何确定旋转中心呢? 怎么确定旋转后图形的旋转中心 全世界每年交通事故死亡人数是多少? I was just about to leave the house___the phone rang(a)while(b)when(c)as soon as(d)each time I was about to leave my house when the telephone rang.我正要离开我的房子的时候,电话铃响了.about 一起又看流星雨张翰郑爽海边甜蜜照片大家有没有一起又看流星雨里张翰郑爽在深圳海边甜蜜的照片啊,谁有我会给谁分数的!