
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 06:53:06
Please don’t drop litter _______,you should throw it into the dustbin _______.A.careless; careful B.carelessly; careful C.carelessly; carefully D.careless; carefully please don't litter 这句是什么意思还有这句 dlspose of properly 都叫什么意思呢 Are you kid me?是正确的吗? YOU ARE GONNA GO FAR,KID歌词 韩愈说“业精于勤荒于嬉”请在写出一个与此类似的名言 the wise blind manblind people can't see with their eyes ,but they have a sense of touch that helps them see .there is a blind man .he has a super sense of touth .people all think he is great .the king hears about this ,but he does't believe it.he sa Remember the promise you 在耶稣出生的故事里the Wise Men是谁 Men often remember the love,because romantic. we call people from India Indians Indians 为什么加s 谁知道you are gonna go far kid哪能下谁知道you are gonna go far kid哪能下. 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随谁 写的?急! 业精于勤荒于嬉的全诗是? Where there is a will,there is a way.和lf you try,you can always achieve something.意思一样吗? 怎么解释业精于勤而荒于嬉 There is something( )you can do forThere is something( )you can do for me. 三角形的两条直角边都是9cm.有一块长方形纸板,能制作224块这样的三角板,求纸板的面积? 三角形的两条直角边都是6cm.有一块长方形的塑料板,正好能切成255块这样的三角尺,求塑料板面积. 它的两条直角边都是9cm.有一块长方形纸板制作224块这样的三角板,求纸板的面积 手工小组做一批三角板,它的两条直角边都是9m.有一块长方形纸板,正好能制作224块这样的三角板.纸板面积 已知20mlR2O72-离子浓度为0.05mol\L的某溶液恰好能将20mlFe2+离子浓度为0.3mol\L的溶液完全氧化则R在还原产物中的化合价为A.+2B.+3C.+4D.+5在网上看到的解析:R2O72-有20*10^-3*0.05=1*10^-3mol亚铁离子有20*10^ 谁有 在马克思墓前的讲话 的读后感,3000字左右, 氯化镁!氯化钠!绿化钾!这三种化学品在哪一种能用于豆制品加工呢?如能调整炸豆腐泡的颜色变的超黄色! 漂白水碰到什么化学品会从微黄色变成没有颜色 we can call people in Thailand________(Thailand) 词性转换 急 I do not want to可以吧to去掉吗 We call people from Japan,Japanese.This is their_______(national)小弟在这磕头了 到处,制造,拥有,启发的近义词急!~如果有雪糕一定要帮帮忙呀!!! 处理的近义词是什么 that is up to you to decide when starting.这句话怎么改 decide sb to do sth对吗有没有这些个说法:hope sb to do sthdecide sb to do sthdesign sb to do sth “it is obovious(to sb)that”中文是什么意思