
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:07:10
由秋思编的小故事,250字左右,急 刚学一元一次方程,但是没有听懂,求数学大神给我仔细讲讲一元一次方程 please what is going 已知关于x的方程3a+x=a/2·x+3的解x=4,求a-2a+3a-4a+5a-6a+…+99a-100a的值. 王勃的《腾王阁序》中爽籁发而清风生,下一句是? 腾王阁序上的“爽籁发而清风生,纤歌凝而白云遏”中的而什么意思? Sam,please give out the pencils.Give one penclSam,please give out the pencils.Give one pencl to every child. 请问please give out the pencils. Please give this to Sam. 一句话概括内容:匡衡凿壁偷光,孙敬头悬梁,苏秦锥刺股,囊萤映雪的故事这几个故事概括的每个要25字以内急 繁星春水中讴歌母爱的诗 繁星春水句子评析20句繁星春水优美句子分析 人与动物之间深情的作文排比开头要排比式的啊! "人与动物"作文开头 My father are very fine My house is very big and clean.对这句话提问 The love we give away is the only love we keep.可以实现么?3Q My father is very fine.【对very fine提问】 It is a very modern house.It was buit( ).选择其中一个填入( )(a)lastly (b)late (c)latest (d)recently 数学一元一次方程实际应用问题 Do you like halloween?怎么回答(选择题) A like B you do C we do”. How do you like Halloween?A(Very fine) B(Very good) C(Very well) D(Very much)选哪个ABCD 一元一次方程的实际应用还有关于角的题.某两位数的各位数字是十位数字的一半,诸葛亮为数字减去36后与他的个位数字和十位数字对调后的新两位数相等,求原两位数.某家服装厂接受一批校 would you like tea ______?no ,thanks ,I drink water only a)very fine b) very good c)very welld) very much The weather is the main t__ OF conversation in Britain.Lu xun is a great W---- in china。 只学过一元一次方程,某地的三个牲口贩子在公路上碰头,打算进行以下的物物交换.张明对刘飞说:“我用6头猪换你1匹马,那么你的牲口数将是我的3倍.”刘飞对周立说:“我用4头牛换你1匹马 Give you the endess love 知道这句 英文的 急.. millie is a good swimmer同义句millie is good 同义句谢谢! Millie is 12.同义句Millie is a ____ girl. If you want to put out a fire,you should______.A.keep air away from it B.keep sand away from itC.cover it with water onlyD.cover it with oil I want to hide myself,to keep everything far away from 因为英国天气干燥,我的嗓子很疼,翻译这句话