
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 18:05:37
英语分几等级? 第一问:Then man【tried out】 several 【means】 to have those people get across what he said.请问这里的tried out和means分别是什么意思?=第二问:It's obvious that her refusing to see a doctor has ____(led in/resulted in) her il 牛顿环干涉条纹为什么不是一条线而是有一定宽度,尤其靠近中心条纹较粗,能否用公式计算条纹宽度对此问题很是疑惑,敬请高手指教,最好有推导公式 关于干涉条纹数目的计算所求干涉区内有多条亮纹和暗纹,考虑边界时,是否亮纹中心在边界内才算一条,还是只要足够亮就算一条,亮纹中心刚好在边界上如何考虑?或是用分数表示(即干涉区长 rained heavily yesterday It rained heavily yesterday,so my father me_____to school 迈克尔逊干涉仪实验中,怎样控制条纹宽度 浓H2SO4的脱水作用一般试用于 ,这些有机物本身没有 但有 ,,元素 化学中有机物那部分:什么是分子内的脱水,什么是分子间的脱水能举点例子吗 请仿照下面的句子,接着写几句话,使之构成排比句式,且话题统一没有一本书的家,是没有一朵花的花园;没有一本书的家,是没有一只鸟的树林;( ),( );( ),( );( ),( );( ), 是你们使得我们的城市如此美丽.翻译英文 文明又美丽的城市翻译英文 土豪是什么意思? ____just so happened that she was out when we dropped by yesterday.A.Which B.What C.It D.This 选哪____just so happened that she was out when we dropped by yesterday.A.Which B.What C.It D.This 选哪个?怎么翻译?我知道答案选C,我想问 I can't forget the time——the eaarthquake happened in Yushu.A.when B.which C.that D.where只知道答案选A,A为什么对,BCD为什么不对,怎么判断是什么类型的从句, 英语改错,画出错误,然后改正.i don't play football yesterday football,did,play,yesterday,he? 1.Vince inwited me ___ (play) football yesterday?写清原因 请以”放弃“为话题,运用排比句式,至少续写两个句式.生活中应该学会放弃.要想采一束清新的山花,就得放弃城市的舒适;要想做一名登山健儿,就得放弃娇嫩白净的肤色;要想永远有掌声,就 直线l过点(-3,-2)且在y轴截距等于x轴截距3倍,则这条直线l方程为 囧”“槑”“靐”怎么读?什么意思啊?谢谢! He works in an office.(同义句)He does ____ ____. 囧字什么意思啊?还有槑字~~解释一下 he works in an office的同意句he's___office____. 有什么好玩的汉字,像槑 囧 (At Mr.White's office in a middle school)A:Hello!B:Speaking please.____?A:I am Peter's mother.I‘d like to ask for leave for my son.B:____?A:He doesn't feel well this morning.He has a cold.B:____.Is it serious?A:Not very serious.But the doctor asked Mr White worked in an office in London,求这篇阅读理解的答案Mr White worked in an office in London,but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day.The station was not very far from his office,and Mr White always went on foot, 关于感觉的英文作文5到10句足够了 It snowed heavily last night(改为同义句)There ____ a ___ ____ last night It rained so heavily yesterday that we couldn't have a picnic.(同义句转换)It rained _____heavily for us ______have picnic. It snowed heavily yesterday中snow为什么叫ed? This is a dog改成否定句改成疑问句呢,并作肯定否定回答 还有It is a box并作肯定否定回答