
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 23:35:13
John seems nice person.___,I don't trust him.A Even though B Even so C Therefore D though为什么C错了 另外 john seems a nice person -----,i dont trust him. back,the,are ,go,preparing,now,to,students,to,school,连词成句 2My suggestion is that he____the holidays at the sedaside.A spends B will spend C spend i can always trust charle to do ``he says ,he is very dependableA thatBwhatCwhicheverDwhich Phoebe knew plenty about physical misery because of the severe headaches that she'd dismissed as nothing back in her twenties but that she realized were migraines when they became regular and frequent in her thirties.怎么翻译啊 ·请教·关于一道解三角形的题·请赐教·要带过程的哈三角形ABC中,tanA=1/2,tanB=1/3,且最长边为1,求(1)角C的大小(2)三角形ABC最短边的长 白色情人节的英文怎么翻译? something taht is loved adove all others是什么意思 谁能告诉我这里面有没有语法错误,Trigonometric occupies an important position in the element hold an important position是固定搭配么?stand an important position 可以么? what,which,that,where--求求各位了which,that,where,when,who的具体用法和相互的区别,有条理一些,我已经用尽家产了 I was completely confused by the way ___he operated the machineA\howB\asC\by which D\不填为什么? I was confused by OG上一篇听力中的一句话OG听力practice set 4 听力原文的倒数第二段中professor有一句话:Uh,but it was way too faint to be a planet.It looked like a little star.为什么文中说it更像star,star不是恒星么 翻译:He was also confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel. 英语翻译company.3,specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy to adpt oneself to life of different cultures.4,since my childhood I have fong that nothing is more attractive to me than reading.5,the victim would have a chance to Common 学霸都死去那了'^ 请问句中 as became an aristocrat,go home to supper 和 go home for supper有什么区别吗?A little aloof,as became an aristocrat,lay a black-spotted carriage dog,muzzle on paws,patiently waiting for the boys to go home to supper. 如和段时间内提高英语水平 如何在短时期内提高自己的英语水平?有什么好的方法? 如何短时间提高英语水平? 北京市一年中白昼时间最短的季节是 白色情人节用英文怎么说 求大神给我提一个提高英语水平的方法或者制定一个计划,很快又是考证的时候了!本人英语基础还是可以,口语比较好,就是笔试这坎过不去, 高一解三角形解答题 写出来 好评 初3重读了,英语想跟上去,但现在英语水平跟没学过一样,怎么办,就1年时间,晚上还没时间的, 1、学好一门外语需要花费很长的时间.(it takes) 2、在公司里,你能挣多少钱取决于你所付出的努力.1、学好一门外语需要花费很长的时间.(it takes)2、在公司里,你能挣多少钱取决于你所付 白色情人节送什么礼物好呢? 现在完成进行时的谓语动词构成 I/ we/ you/ they have been doing sth.he/ she/ it has been doing sth.(一)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去.The Chinese have been making paper for two thou 现在完成进行时 表示什么 已知数列{an}的首项a1=1/2,Sn是其前n项的和,且满足Sn=n^2an,则次数列的通项公式为an=?Sn=n²an Jane's appears as though she knows the secret.A.knows B.has known C.had known D.is knowing