
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:39:55
Would you like ( th )delicious to eat?( th )填一个合适的词包含th -Would you like to go shopping with me? -That sounds ___.A.delicious B.well C.good D.boring 1.Would you like our delicious dumplings () 3 yuan each. A.with B.on C.for D.at2.We have many kinds of ice-cream,() apple,banana and orange.A.for example B.and C.as D.like3.你只用8元就能点到15个烙饼.You can () 15 pancake () light的过去式,过去分词怎么拼写 She likes her mother ___ to the park with her on Sundays.(go) 阿根廷与我国内蒙相比 气候上的优势是 地理位置上的优势是 She often goes__(run)in the morning(用所给单词的真确形式填空,并翻译全句) 用适当的词填空:1.She likes apples .How( )you? 2.They we用适当的词填空:1.She likes apples .How( )you? 2.They went ( )Hainan( )the holiday. 3.I went ( ) see a movie last night. 4.He saw a lot ( )books( )the library. 5.They[ he'd like something to drink 对划线部分提问 对something to drink提问回答:----- ------- he ------. 我英语不好.想找个可以与外国人文字交流的方式.上了大家推荐的什么雅虎聊天室之类的,发现找不到进入,而且聊天室也乱乱,想问一下用雅虎通会好一点么?现在是想迫切地提高,以前英语底子 参加老外的派对英语交流说什么?英语不好~ Have you ever been to the place _______I visit last year?A where B which C when D whom选什么?原因是什么? 男厕所和女厕所有什么不同?跪谢 为什么有男厕所,会有女厕所?hehe! 这个表示是男厕所还是女厕所 what she likes to eat is just this.请问大神们这句话所使用的英语语法、句型,与其单词在句中充当的成分 人妖是上男厕所还是女厕所 We should brush our t____ twice a day We should brush out t_____ twice a day. 天冷,心更冷今天是老爸生日,想想也真是的,没有去祝贺老爸,反而在那个迷茫的十字路口等她的一个短信!我开始怀疑我是不中啥蛊拉?收到了才知道原来冷的不是手和脸,是.我是不是该放手拉? 天冷了 用英语怎么说 天冷,心更冷.英文怎么说 —You did your homework very well.A.Don't say thatB.No,I didn't C.It's nice of you to say that.Thank youD.You did better than I.那那个过去时怎么讲? you make your point very 英语题(正确)一.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.When I _________(walk) in the street,I happened ______(meet) my former class teacher.2.Neither of the two boys ______(enjoy) watching western films.二.改写句子1.Household appliances 根据句意以及开头补全单词1.my h____ is to get up early every morning2.lots of young people like listening to pop m____ ,but don't like films.3.it's my h_______ to get up early in the morning 根据句意,用wear ,put on ,dress 或in 的适 The students were ________at the ________lessons.A.bored...bored B.bored...boring C.boring...boring D.boring...bored I think we should have our teeth checked by a___ at least twice a year速度. 大连的海是黄海吗? 山东蓝海,黄海指什么? Have you ever been to the square () was built last year?A whichB whereC whenD what为什么选它?翻译? Have you ever been to the square ___ was built last year?A、which B、 where C、when D、what第1题 Have you ever been to the square ___ was built last year?A、which B、 where C、when D、what 第2题 I don’t know the room ___.A、in which do