
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:06:25
只是更仔细吗?还有没有例子能告诉我下,三颗油-.- 以王熙凤为主人公的作文怎么写 西厢记怎么样 《西厢记》主要讲什么故事?结局怎么样?为什么会叫《西厢记》这个名呢? 西厢记是如何设置矛盾冲突的 《西厢记》大体内容叙述主要故事 气氛气愤的意思 用分词短语改写下列句子1.When it is seen from here,the palace looks beautifal.2.When they were driven out,they cried and shouted.3.She was deeply moved by these words.She could not keep back her tears.4.If they are given a chance,they will 用分词短语形式改写下列句子(拜托啦~)1.If everything is considered,his plan seems to be more workable.2.She walked along the path and her daughter followed close behind.3.They dare not walk across the desert unless they are supplied 用分词短语改写下列各句(急!)1.It tastes delicious if it is fired in butter and sprinkled with lemon juice.2.She walked ever to her desk and picked up a paper.3.The water came into the house,and flooded the downstairs rooms.4.As I know his 出国求学有意义吗?本人已经工作3年,做技术类的销售 这三个韩国字是什么意思? 作者在仙台的生活状况如何?在这样环境中求学表现作者什么思想? 夏洛的网好词好句 我要《夏洛的网》的好词好句!谁有 谁有《夏洛的网》的好词好句 要 20 句 要真实! 台湾光复历史 That is (her) father划线提问 Alice received an invitation from her boss,() came as a surprise.A、it B、that C、which D、he Her father insists that she ( ) abroad.Her father insists that she ( ) abroad.A goB goesC goneD had gone 什么是艰苦环境? 什么是异常恶劣气候 现在地球生态环境恶劣到什么程度? 表现要在艰苦的环境下磨练,才能铸就高尚品质的文言文的意思 环境恶劣的劣字什么意思 将下列句子转换成带分词短语的句子1 after he took some medicine ,he felt much better .2 if you turn to the right ,you'll find the post office 将下列句子改为带有分词短语的简单句1.The sutdent had failed in an important examination.He lost interest in his study.2.While she was watching the play,she couldn't restrain her tears.3.When she had collected all the necessary materia 用分词短语将下列句子改为一个简单句1、She picked up the MP3 which was lost by my classmate.2、I don't know the girl who is singing in the hall.3、As soon as he got home,he began to do his homework.4、She worked hard all day.She fe I mean you don't have to stay if it's going to bother you.怎么理解going to? I'm Not Scared 这本书I need a describtion for all the charaters,it need be very clear and lot.There are no chinese book for this novel I'm Not Scared 歌词 求夏洛的网这本书的好段! I am going to Qihgdao and stay there for a week._you are there,would you please buy some book从哪看出是时间状语从句的