
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:45:59
定语从句的应用 定语从句应怎样应用?要具体的讲解和例子, 英语定语从句的使用?怎样使用on which ,in which .这些词以及that who which等等 Tom gets home about 6 every evening是对的吗?那Tom gets home at 6 every evening呢? Is this the exam we have to take?--Yes,but there will be another test three months from now.这是个对话`翻译下 She is the youngest __ (take)the exam用适当形式填空 take an exam take a big exam 1.She told him that she had a meeting to Ajoin B attend Ctake part in Djoin2He just sat there,looking at them without the conversationAjoin B attend Ctake part in Djoin两道题的D选项为 join in 求职业的英语生词,ant结尾,越多越好 《浮士德》谁译的最好我想看好一点的译本,但是不知道那个出版社的好,谁的译的好 《浮士德》的中文译本有好几种,谁译的比效好? formant motions是什么意思?共振峰的运动 浮士德"哪位译者翻译更好 You should put the books on the shelves.和You should take the books on the shelves.是一个意思吗考试中这两种都行吗 还是哪个更标准一些 3q very much! Shall we help Joe put the books on the shelves?(保持句意不变)1.( )( ) ( )Joe put the books on the shelves?(三种)2.( )( )()()Joe put the books on the shelves? 我叫张运平 男 请各位网友帮忙取个英文名 semester ,science,had,this,time,I,a,hand,with连词成句 He killed my father 他杀了我爸爸 他杀害了我爸爸 那个翻译对 kill 可以翻译成杀害吗 teacher then talking the is to连词成句 "She shouldn't put the books on the floor.各位哥哥姐姐帮个忙! talking,he,his,parents,loudly,is,to(连词成句) like,don't,be,late,I,to(连词成句) 翻译:"the pens shouldn't be on the floor.we should put them. 三个硬币占卜,初爻为老阳,二爻为少阳,三爻为少阳,四爻为老阴,五爻为少阴,六爻为少阴,想知我怀的是男是女此卦是今天下午14:25分起卦的,本人是农历1983年9月初3出生的, 看一看,填一填:you(should/shouldn,t)put rubbish in a bag 我的名字是依玲,我想取个英文名,女取英文名应该从哪些方面找?呵呵,简短一点的,想取名字以外的 帮我的名字取英文名?怎样取?《钟小生》 我想要个英文名,可是不知道怎么取,我的名字叫钟依萍, 我的名字叫钟濠然 谁能帮我想一个好听一点的英文名? 请给我如果要别人诚信,首先自己先要诚信的解释! 哦哦,求老实人的定义 国外关于“老实人”的解释