
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:52:40
你必须把你的衣服放回原处.You must ____________ your clothes.怎么 某材料的计划单价是2元,材料成本差异率是―2%,求实际成本. 一个圆锥与圆柱的底面积相等.已知圆锥与圆柱的体积比是1 :4,圆柱的高是1.2分米,圆锥的高是多少厘米? 甲公司于20XX年1月2日购进原材料一批,其中A材料5000千克,单价5元;B材料4000千克,单价10元……甲公司于20XX年1月2日购进原材料一批,其中A材料5000千克,单价5元;B材料4000千克,单价10元,增值税率17%, 1.There is nothing in the bottle 改近义句There ____ _____ ______in the bottle2.It is only ten minutes from school by bicycle 改同义句It _______only ten minutes _____ _____to school 被动用法 初三英语第6单元 被动用法 牛奶和下列的哪种食物不宜一起食用呢? 下列哪种食物不宜与牛奶同时食用 牛奶和下列什么食物不宜一起食用呢?A鸡蛋B乳酪C菠菜D面包 求梦三国输出许褚的出装 梦三国许褚出装求肉楮的出装以及典韦出装 I am do dishes at home,(对画线部分提问) there is hardly() milk in the bottle,()there?a nthere is hardly() milk in the bottle,()there?a no ,isnot b some ,is c little,isnotd any,is 选那个呢 There's hardly any milk in the bottle _____?A.is there B.isn't there C.is it Disn't 选哪个,要有说明 There is ______ any milk in the bottle,is there A almost B hardly C too 1数学中大写的X怎么写?感觉和Z很像啊~(手写型的)2数学中小z怎么写的?(手写型的) 为什么投铅球时要求45度角掷出 如图:角A=角C,AO=CO,角AOC=角BOD,试判断BO与DO是否相等?为什么? 如图:BO=DO,AO=CO,∠AOC=∠BOD,请判断∠A与∠C是否相等?请证明. 如图co垂直bo角aoc与bod是否相等 在每条数轴上都有一个_______.它是正数和负数的分界点.填空. Once,I let a true love slip away before my eyes ,only to find myself regretting when it was too late .Nothing in the world can be as painful as this .If the God give me another chance,I would tell the girl:I love her If our love had to set a time lim 智慧老人体重是一个人三倍,他比智慧老人少40千克,他们各多少千克 老人的体重是小狗的3倍,小狗体重比老人少40千克.老人和小狗的体重各多少千克? 智慧老人体重是一个人三倍,他比智慧老人多40千克,他们各多少千克. 一个圆形花圃的周长是50.24m,在它里面留出8分之3的面积种花苗,还余下多少平方米的花圃地? 一个圆形花坛周长62.8米,在这里留出五分之二的面积培育花苗,还剩下多少面积? 下列说法:①1.5不是分数②整数、分数都是有理数③非负数包括正数和零 正确的有? 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,行了全程的40%时,离乙地还有43.2千米,甲乙两地的公路全长是多少千米? 选择题.1:I don't like oranges,( )they are sour.A:and.B:but.C:because.2:I'm ( ).Can I have some apple juice?A:hungry.B:thirsty.C:fat.3:What day is it today?( )A:Tomorrow.B:Tuesday.C:Tuesdays.4:The Second day of a week is ( If God can give me another chance,I will say 3 words to her这些话的翻译