
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 06:27:06
fall down into same a lake his friend of lake,The jumoed,the,dog,into 连词成句 jumped the into lake he 这几个要连词成句. MR.RIGHT的意思是什么? Mir.right先生是什么意思?就是蔡依琳《说爱你》中的一个歌词 she insisted that she______sent to work in the USA A.was B.were Cit D.which翻译句子, He insisted that he()in good health and () to work there为什么第二个空用be sent虚拟语气而第一个空用was呢 work in the countryside1许多大学毕业生自愿到农村工作2出现这种现象的原因3我的看法120-150字 英语作文 大学英语作文 诉求 不要词典翻译出来的 那样的我也会 求专业人士~标题 play with sth.用汉语怎么说 never go into a supermarket hungryly this is a good piece of advice A piece of advice中piece是什么意思? hey gave a piece of good advice __our work最恰当的答案应该是on,说说你的看法 A piece of advice=? 34.I want your_________,sir.I don t know what to do.A.advices B.piece of advices C.advice请讲的详细点 I ofenn help my mother do homework on Sundays.同义句I often ___ my mother ___ homework on Sundays? 面对校园暴力,我该如何应对?我是一名初一的女生,最近有几个初二的女生说我很拽,(以前认识的,但是关系不好,吵闹过一次)并且警告我,说如果我下学期在拽的话,就打我.她们也找过我,“警 I do my homework on Sundays.(对划线部分提问on Sundays) 题目;和成句子 1,on do what you do Sundays 2,day today what is it 3,homework often do I my4,I Chinese on P.E Mondays and have 5,Friday is it 英语play的用法就是play的三种用法,我明天就要期末考了,我想复习下,(注:play的三种用法是plays,play,playing,请举几个例子,并且得出结论!Thank you very much! play 的用法 play的用法 和一些词组 play的用法play有几种用法?各在什么时候用?它的区别在哪? That's all right .'s是什么的缩写 Lily's teacher 's 是什么的缩写 what a piece of work is man的原文!莎士比亚的中文是从“近来,也不晓得为什么,所有快乐都消失了”开始的到“众生之典范” ALL是什么的缩写 y'all 是啥的缩写 all right 怎么翻译 How to write a Note of Thanks How to write a Note of Thanks 是什么意思如题 谢谢了 you are asked to write a note to your roommate to explain what you have done to his/her tape recorder and say sorry to him/her. 英语翻译作者是 ALLAN BAILLIE 麻烦.跪求THE CHINA COIN的中文翻译.赶紧不尽.多谢.