
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:29:35
The man looks o sixty years oid o的位置是什么单词 英语翻译 英语翻译 help sb to do和help sb do的区别用法 求人教新目标九年级上册英语单词mp3+LRC和课文mp3.谢谢o(∩_∩)o 勾股定理共几种推理方法 验证勾股定理,并写出其推理过程 勾股定理推理方法 回答问题——1.Do you have a schoolbag?2.Is it beautiful?3.What colour is it?在下还一题(问题补充)4.Are there any books in it?5.How many books are there in it? I saw the ____(happy)from his face and tried to cheer him up in my own way. When we saw his face,we knew [ ]was bad.A:the newsB:some newsC:a newsD:news 电缆和电线的选择是依靠载流量查表得出,那么载流量是由什么得出的呢?是根据设备功率还是计算电流?求公式 一次函数图象及性质直线Y=X-1与坐标轴交于AB两点,点C在坐标轴上,三角形ABC为等腰三角形,则满足条件的点C最多有[]A4 B5 C7 D8 I HAVE SOME BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN MY ROOM (改为同意句) I have a reservation for a single room.汉语意思 his---face suggusted that he --at the news.A.surprising ,be surprisedB.surprised,was surprisedC.surprising,was surprisedD.surprised,be surprised 为什么? He was very nervous .We could see that from his face改成定语从句 I could see from the expression in his face that he was anxious __________ something.上面哪个空填什么介词啊, 面试英语常问的一些问题以及回答 根据汉语意思或所给词的适当形式填空He_____(not) like milk I’m not hungry.I'm______(hurgy的反义词 3 -3 -8 8 这四个数算24这四个数算怎样二十四点? 3、3、8、8四个数算24?怎么算呢? 如图,在平行四边形如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,BD=2AD,AC交BD于点D,点E为OA的中点,点M位DC的中点,观察EM与DC的数量关系,并说明你的理由 初二数学平行四边形如图如图 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填上一个适当的词,使对话意思完整正确.Salesman:Good morning!can I( )(1)you?Tom:Yes,( )(2).I want a pair of sports shoes.Salesman:What ( )(3)do you like?Tom:I like black.Salesman:What ( )(4)?Tom:Six 英语翻译RT 国共两党合作对抗日战争胜利起到了什么作用? 关于已经过了中文导游证,现在要考英文导游证的问题..我是09年考的中文导游证,合格了.现在要考英文的,听说只要加试一门英语笔试和英文口试就好了..我的问题是:英文笔试的内容是什么?.. 柳宗元. 写童区寄传的背景 狼 蒲松龄 一词多义 (乃 以 之)带句子 It couldn't spread to the north because of a lake or to the south because of句子中的or能否换成and