
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:57:29
dx怎么求出来的啊.x不是等于sec吗,dx应该是ln|sec+tan|+c吧 李肇星外交过程中的事例 给你启迪最深刻的一句名言是___;给你的启迪是____ 已知关于X的方程X/2+m/2=x-4与方程1/2(x-16)=-6的解相同,求m的值. 若A(tan²a,cot²a),B(sec²a,csc²a),则︱AB︱= your,far,school,here,from,is,怎么连词成句left,at,the,turn,park,(.)连词成句 There are many school things here.There are many school things here.There are many school things here.There are many school things here.There are many school things here.There are many school things here.There are many school things here. ._____ your books,Tom.Don’t leave your things here and there.A.put on B.put off C.Put away D.Put down 已知角θ的终边国电P(-4m,3m),m≠0,则2sinθ+cosθ=? 已知角θ的终边过点P(-4m,3m),m≠0,则2sinθ+cosθ=? 角α终边过P(-4m ,3m)m不等于0,求2sinα+cosα的值? 急死我了 已知角α的终边过点P(-4m,3m),(m≠0),求2sinα+cosα的 告诉我三年级算式题比如1+1=2.这样请马上给我发过来 根据给出条件列出算式,共三题.1.一本故事书,第一周读了全书的1/6,第二周读了全书的1/9,已知前两周共读了100页.这本书共有多少页? 已知x+y=4,x的绝对值加y的绝对值=7,那么x-y的值是多少? 已知X的绝对值=7,Y的绝对值=2,且X+Y的绝对值=-(X+Y),求X-Y的值 一条线上,依次在A1、A2、A3、A4、A5有五个机器人,找一点,社于何处,可使5个机器人与他距离总和最小?当有N个机器人时呢? Do you mind my parking my car here?保持原句意思Do you mind ___ ___ my car here? Would you mind my parking the car here?( ).A.Yes,plaease do.B Yes,as you please.C.No,certainly not D No,please don't选什么解释下为什么其他的不可以? Would you mind my parking the car in front of your house?=Would you mind __ ___ park the car in front of your house? 下列函数在区间(0.兀)上单调递增的是 Ay=sin x B y=log3x C.y=-x∧2 .D y=(½)∧x 求出函数y=sin(x/2+兀/3)的单调递增区间 已知函数f(x)=sin(2X十 六分之一兀)一cos2x求f(x)的最小正周期和单调递增区间 已知函数f(x)=2-sin(2x-兀/6)求(1)f(x)的单调递增区间.(2)当x属[0,2兀]时,f(x)的值域(3)f(x)的周期.(4)f(x)的最大值及相应的x的集合 arctan(4*w)+arctan(5*w)=5怎样求w We want a teacher ____ our English class. 如果一个角是60°,一条直角边又是斜边的一半,能证明他是直角三角形么就是一条边是斜边的一半 Our house is smaller than yours和Your car is the same length改同义句我马上要 sin、tan、cos分别是什么意思?sin二次方60°-tan30°*cos30°+tan45°=? It is b__ our house. 双击可放大 △ABD,△AEC都是等边三角形,求证BE=DC