
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 02:49:57
查字典,解释带点字在不同句子中的意思1.我们人类能造出光速飞车吗 速:( )2.我不请自来,可以说是不速之客了 速:( )3.处理这件事要速战速决,不能前怕狼后怕虎,速:( ) To __ surprise,he won the first prize in this singing competition.A:my B:me C:mine It_____(surprise)everyone that Jack got the first prize in the singing competition. To ____surprise ,Jim won the first prize in the singing competition.A.me B .my C.I D.mine I feel wandered to say that I don`t believe what he said.feel wandered 啥意思? -what a terrible earthquake!I can ()believe that!-But that's true.It's said that ()people werehurt or dead.空格一  A almost not B hardly C nearly not空格二  A tens of thousands of B ten of thousands of C ten of thousand of 分别选什 1一个很小的小球带有电量Q.在距离球心30CM处的A点放了一个试探电荷q=-1X10的负10次方C,q受到的电场力为1X10的负8次方N,方向指向球心.求:⑴A点的场强的大小和方向⑵如果从A点取走q,A点场强大 I wish you to have a pleasant trip to Beijing this month,_______?反义疑问句 查字典,指出下列各句中" 闹 "字的意义(1)这里 闹 得很,无法看出.(2)孙悟空大 闹 天宫.(3)你不要再 闹 情绪了.(4)一定要把问题 闹 清楚.(5)她又哭又 闹 . 查字典,先解释带点的字,再联系上下文写出词语的意思 Such a big pleasant surprise you have given me! Doing what is right and falling ____ is far better than doing what is wrong and succedding.A.behind B.short C.apart D.suspended What's John doing right now?(同义句) What's John doing _______? What is your a_____ in doing that?您好!用首字母填词.并翻译. This is a surprise .怎么变成what引导的感叹句? this is a surprise改为感叹句 This picture is beautiful.(改为以what引导的感叹句) What picture!This picture is beautiful.(改为以what引导的感叹句) What —— —— picture! ) Liu Tao is playing football in the playground. This is a suprise!用what .how 改为感叹句 I am sure___you said is true.答案是what,为什么不是that 一道数学题(很快,甲、乙两商店出售同样型号的毛笔标价都相同.为了促销,甲店的优惠措施是:购买5支(含5支)以上打8折;乙店的优惠措施是:购买5支(含5支)以上,5支按原价,其余打7折. 望眼欲穿,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳您哦 I am sure you will enjoy __ stamps ------he will enjoy the trip?A do you feel B are you sure Cmake sure of D be sure I am sure the soup tastes well.You will enjoy it怎么改 如图,P是正三角形ABC内的一点,且PA=6PB=8,PC=10.若将三角形PAC饶点A逆时针旋转后,得到三角形P'AB,求P与点P'之间的距离及∠APB的大小这个就是图 I am sure i will enjoy everything that you cook .这是什么句型,am sure是动词,为什么还有will enjoy这个动词? 要解题思路有人说,天气晴朗时站在泰山之巅可以看到大海,小明查得泰山的高度约海拔1532米,泰山到海边的最小距离约230千米,利用d≈√2hR(R=6400千米)计算,判断站在泰山之巅能否看到大海 everything( )they said 填what 还是 that 初二上数学题.快! I was asking it's that right for what I said意思是 如上右图,C为线段AE上一动点(不与点A,E重合),在AE同侧分别作正三角形ABC和正三角形CDE、AD与BE交于点O,AD与BC交于点P,BE与CD交于点Q,连结PQ.以下五个结论:①AD=BE;②PQ‖AE;③AP=BQ;④DE=DP; ——he said is quit right. A. that B.what C. how D.why